Optimize checks

This commit is contained in:
Dan Hess 2020-11-19 14:58:41 -06:00
parent 7ce7d66c48
commit c76e4eecfb
2 changed files with 176 additions and 121 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import asyncio
from discord.ext import commands
import discord
from . import utilities
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
@ -13,7 +12,10 @@ def should_ignore(ctx):
ignored = ctx.bot.cache.ignored[ctx.guild.id]
if not ignored:
return False
return ctx.message.author.id in ignored['members'] or ctx.message.channel.id in ignored['channels']
return (
ctx.message.author.id in ignored["members"]
or ctx.message.channel.id in ignored["channels"]
async def check_not_restricted(ctx):
@ -24,30 +26,27 @@ async def check_not_restricted(ctx):
# First get all the restrictions
restrictions = ctx.bot.cache.restrictions[ctx.guild.id]
# Now lets check the "from" restrictions
for from_restriction in restrictions.get('from', []):
for from_restriction in restrictions.get("from", []):
# Get the source and destination
# Source should ALWAYS be a command in this case
source = from_restriction.get('source')
destination = from_restriction.get('destination')
source = from_restriction.get("source")
destination = int(from_restriction.get("destination"))
# Special check for what the "disable" command produces
if destination == "everyone" and ctx.command.qualified_name == source:
return False
# Convert destination to the object we want
destination = await utilities.convert(ctx, destination)
# If we couldn't find the destination, just continue with other restrictions
# Also if this restriction we're checking isn't for this command
if destination is None or source != ctx.command.qualified_name:
# If this isn't the command we care about, continue
if source != ctx.command.qualified_name:
# This means that the type of restriction we have is `command from channel`
# Which means we do not want commands to be ran in this channel
if destination == ctx.message.channel:
if destination == ctx.channel.id:
return False
# This type is `command from Role` meaning anyone with this role can't run this command
elif destination in ctx.message.author.roles:
elif discord.utils.get(ctx.author.roles, id=destination):
return False
# This is `command from Member` meaning this user specifically cannot run this command
elif destination == ctx.message.author:
elif destination == ctx.author.id:
return False
# If we are here, then there are no blacklists stopping this from running
@ -55,44 +54,38 @@ async def check_not_restricted(ctx):
# Now for the to restrictions this is a little different, we need to make a whitelist and
# see if our current channel is in this whitelist, as well as any whitelisted roles are in the author's roles
# Only if there is no whitelist, do we want to blanket return True
to_restrictions = restrictions.get('to', [])
if len(to_restrictions) == 0:
to_restrictions = restrictions.get("to", [])
if not to_restrictions:
return True
# Otherwise there is a whitelist, and we need to start it
whitelisted_channels = []
whitelisted_roles = []
# If the author has a role that should whitelist them
whitelisted_role = False
# If this channel is one that is whitelisted
whitelisted_channel = False
# If a whitelist was found for this command
whitelist_found = False
# Otherwise check whitelists
for to_restriction in to_restrictions:
# Get the source and destination
# Source should ALWAYS be a command in this case
source = to_restriction.get('source')
destination = to_restriction.get('destination')
# Convert destination to the object we want
destination = await utilities.convert(ctx, destination)
# If we couldn't find the destination, just continue with other restrictions
# Also if this restriction we're checking isn't for this command
if destination is None or source != ctx.command.qualified_name:
source = to_restriction.get("source")
destination = int(to_restriction.get("destination"))
# If this isn't the source we care about, continue
if source != ctx.command.qualified_name:
# Append to our two whitelists depending on what type this is
if isinstance(destination, discord.TextChannel):
elif isinstance(destination, discord.Role):
# If we've found a whitelist valid for this command, now we can set it
whitelist_found = True
# Now check against roles
if not whitelisted_role and discord.utils.get(ctx.author.roles, id=destination):
whitelisted_role = True
if ctx.channel.id == destination:
whitelisted_channel = True
if whitelisted_channels:
if ctx.channel not in whitelisted_channels:
return False
if whitelisted_roles:
if not any(x in ctx.message.author.roles for x in whitelisted_roles):
return False
# If we have passed all of these, then we are allowed to run this command
# This looks like a whole lot, but all of these lists will be very tiny in almost all cases
# And only delving deep into the specific lists that may be large, will we finally see "large" lists
# Which means this still will not be slow in other cases
return True
# If we have reached here, then there is a whitelist... so we just need to return if they matched
# the whitelist
return whitelisted_role or whitelisted_channel or not whitelist_found
def has_perms(ctx, **perms):
@ -112,7 +105,9 @@ def has_perms(ctx, **perms):
for perm, setting in perms.items():
setattr(required_perm, perm, setting)
required_perm_value = ctx.bot.cache.custom_permissions[ctx.guild.id].get(ctx.command.qualified_name)
required_perm_value = ctx.bot.cache.custom_permissions[ctx.guild.id].get(
if required_perm_value:
required_perm = discord.Permissions(required_perm_value)

View File

@ -54,13 +54,19 @@ class Pages:
self.paginating = len(entries) > per_page
self.show_entry_count = show_entry_count
self.reaction_emojis = [
('\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE}', self.previous_page),
('\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE}', self.next_page),
('\N{INPUT SYMBOL FOR NUMBERS}', self.numbered_page),
('\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}', self.stop_pages),
('\N{INFORMATION SOURCE}', self.show_help),
("\N{BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE}", self.previous_page),
("\N{BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE}", self.next_page),
("\N{INPUT SYMBOL FOR NUMBERS}", self.numbered_page),
("\N{BLACK SQUARE FOR STOP}", self.stop_pages),
("\N{INFORMATION SOURCE}", self.show_help),
if ctx.guild is not None:
@ -69,53 +75,55 @@ class Pages:
self.permissions = self.channel.permissions_for(ctx.bot.user)
if not self.permissions.embed_links:
raise CannotPaginate('Bot does not have embed links permission.')
raise CannotPaginate("Bot does not have embed links permission.")
if not self.permissions.send_messages:
raise CannotPaginate('Bot cannot send messages.')
raise CannotPaginate("Bot cannot send messages.")
if self.paginating:
# verify we can actually use the pagination session
if not self.permissions.add_reactions:
raise CannotPaginate('Bot does not have add reactions permission.')
raise CannotPaginate("Bot does not have add reactions permission.")
if not self.permissions.read_message_history:
raise CannotPaginate('Bot does not have Read Message History permission.')
raise CannotPaginate(
"Bot does not have Read Message History permission."
def get_page(self, page):
base = (page - 1) * self.per_page
return self.entries[base:base + self.per_page]
return self.entries[base : base + self.per_page]
async def show_page(self, page, *, first=False):
self.current_page = page
entries = self.get_page(page)
p = []
for index, entry in enumerate(entries, 1 + ((page - 1) * self.per_page)):
p.append(f'{index}. {entry}')
p.append(f"{index}. {entry}")
if self.maximum_pages > 1:
if self.show_entry_count:
text = f'Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages} ({len(self.entries)} entries)'
text = f"Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages} ({len(self.entries)} entries)"
text = f'Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages}'
text = f"Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages}"
if not self.paginating:
self.embed.description = '\n'.join(p)
self.embed.description = "\n".join(p)
return await self.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
if not first:
self.embed.description = '\n'.join(p)
self.embed.description = "\n".join(p)
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
p.append('Confused? React with \N{INFORMATION SOURCE} for more info.')
self.embed.description = '\n'.join(p)
p.append("Confused? React with \N{INFORMATION SOURCE} for more info.")
self.embed.description = "\n".join(p)
self.message = await self.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
for (reaction, _) in self.reaction_emojis:
if self.maximum_pages == 2 and reaction in ('\u23ed', '\u23ee'):
if self.maximum_pages == 2 and reaction in ("\u23ed", "\u23ee"):
# no |<< or >>| buttons if we only have two pages
# we can't forbid it if someone ends up using it but remove
# it from the default set
@ -150,15 +158,19 @@ class Pages:
async def numbered_page(self):
"""lets you type a page number to go to"""
to_delete = []
to_delete.append(await self.channel.send('What page do you want to go to?'))
to_delete.append(await self.channel.send("What page do you want to go to?"))
def message_check(m):
return m.author == self.author and self.channel == m.channel and m.content.isdigit()
return (
m.author == self.author
and self.channel == m.channel
and m.content.isdigit()
msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=message_check, timeout=30.0)
msg = await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=message_check, timeout=30.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
to_delete.append(await self.channel.send('Took too long.'))
to_delete.append(await self.channel.send("Took too long."))
await asyncio.sleep(5)
page = int(msg.content)
@ -166,7 +178,11 @@ class Pages:
if page != 0 and page <= self.maximum_pages:
await self.show_page(page)
to_delete.append(await self.channel.send(f'Invalid page given. ({page}/{self.maximum_pages})'))
await self.channel.send(
f"Invalid page given. ({page}/{self.maximum_pages})"
await asyncio.sleep(5)
@ -176,16 +192,20 @@ class Pages:
async def show_help(self):
"""shows this message"""
messages = ['Welcome to the interactive paginator!\n']
messages.append('This interactively allows you to see pages of text by navigating with '
'reactions. They are as follows:\n')
messages = ["Welcome to the interactive paginator!\n"]
"This interactively allows you to see pages of text by navigating with "
"reactions. They are as follows:\n"
for (emoji, func) in self.reaction_emojis:
messages.append(f'{emoji} {func.__doc__}')
messages.append(f"{emoji} {func.__doc__}")
self.embed.description = '\n'.join(messages)
self.embed.description = "\n".join(messages)
self.embed.set_footer(text=f'We were on page {self.current_page} before this message.')
text=f"We were on page {self.current_page} before this message."
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
async def go_back_to_current_page():
@ -223,7 +243,9 @@ class Pages:
while self.paginating:
reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=self.react_check, timeout=120.0)
reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for(
"reaction_add", check=self.react_check, timeout=120.0
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
self.paginating = False
@ -245,6 +267,7 @@ class FieldPages(Pages):
"""Similar to Pages except entries should be a list of
tuples having (key, value) to show as embed fields instead.
async def show_page(self, page, *, first=False):
self.current_page = page
entries = self.get_page(page)
@ -257,9 +280,9 @@ class FieldPages(Pages):
if self.maximum_pages > 1:
if self.show_entry_count:
text = f'Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages} ({len(self.entries)} entries)'
text = f"Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages} ({len(self.entries)} entries)"
text = f'Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages}'
text = f"Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages}"
@ -272,7 +295,7 @@ class FieldPages(Pages):
self.message = await self.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
for (reaction, _) in self.reaction_emojis:
if self.maximum_pages == 2 and reaction in ('\u23ed', '\u23ee'):
if self.maximum_pages == 2 and reaction in ("\u23ed", "\u23ee"):
# no |<< or >>| buttons if we only have two pages
# we can't forbid it if someone ends up using it but remove
# it from the default set
@ -286,7 +309,7 @@ class FieldPages(Pages):
# ?help command
# -> could be a subcommand
_mention = re.compile(r'<@\!?([0-9]{1,19})>')
_mention = re.compile(r"<@\!?([0-9]{1,19})>")
def cleanup_prefix(bot, prefix):
@ -294,7 +317,7 @@ def cleanup_prefix(bot, prefix):
if m:
user = bot.get_user(int(m.group(1)))
if user:
return f'@{user.name} '
return f"@{user.name} "
return prefix
@ -311,33 +334,39 @@ def _command_signature(cmd):
result = [cmd.qualified_name]
if cmd.usage:
return ' '.join(result)
return " ".join(result)
params = cmd.clean_params
if not params:
return ' '.join(result)
return " ".join(result)
for name, param in params.items():
if param.default is not param.empty:
# We don't want None or '' to trigger the [name=value] case and instead it should
# do [name] since [name=None] or [name=] are not exactly useful for the user.
should_print = param.default if isinstance(param.default, str) else param.default is not None
should_print = (
if isinstance(param.default, str)
else param.default is not None
if should_print:
elif param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
return ' '.join(result)
return " ".join(result)
class HelpPaginator(Pages):
def __init__(self, ctx, entries, *, per_page=4):
super().__init__(ctx, entries=entries, per_page=per_page)
self.reaction_emojis.append(('\N{WHITE QUESTION MARK ORNAMENT}', self.show_bot_help))
("\N{WHITE QUESTION MARK ORNAMENT}", self.show_bot_help)
self.total = len(entries)
@ -348,10 +377,12 @@ class HelpPaginator(Pages):
entries = sorted(ctx.bot.get_cog_commands(cog_name), key=lambda c: c.name)
# remove the ones we can't run
entries = [cmd for cmd in entries if (await _can_run(cmd, ctx)) and not cmd.hidden]
entries = [
cmd for cmd in entries if (await _can_run(cmd, ctx)) and not cmd.hidden
self = cls(ctx, entries)
self.title = f'{cog_name} Commands'
self.title = f"{cog_name} Commands"
self.description = inspect.getdoc(cog)
self.prefix = cleanup_prefix(ctx.bot, ctx.prefix)
@ -364,15 +395,17 @@ class HelpPaginator(Pages):
except AttributeError:
entries = []
entries = [cmd for cmd in entries if (await _can_run(cmd, ctx)) and not cmd.hidden]
entries = [
cmd for cmd in entries if (await _can_run(cmd, ctx)) and not cmd.hidden
self = cls(ctx, entries)
self.title = command.signature
if command.description:
self.description = f'{command.description}\n\n{command.help}'
self.description = f"{command.description}\n\n{command.help}"
self.description = command.help or 'No help given.'
self.description = command.help or "No help given."
self.prefix = cleanup_prefix(ctx.bot, ctx.prefix)
return self
@ -380,7 +413,7 @@ class HelpPaginator(Pages):
async def from_bot(cls, ctx):
def key(c):
return c.cog_name or '\u200bMisc'
return c.cog_name or "\u200bMisc"
entries = sorted(ctx.bot.commands, key=key)
nested_pages = []
@ -391,7 +424,9 @@ class HelpPaginator(Pages):
# ...
for cog, commands in itertools.groupby(entries, key=key):
plausible = [cmd for cmd in commands if (await _can_run(cmd, ctx)) and not cmd.hidden]
plausible = [
cmd for cmd in commands if (await _can_run(cmd, ctx)) and not cmd.hidden
if len(plausible) == 0:
@ -401,7 +436,10 @@ class HelpPaginator(Pages):
description = inspect.getdoc(description) or discord.Embed.Empty
nested_pages.extend((cog, description, plausible[i:i + per_page]) for i in range(0, len(plausible), per_page))
(cog, description, plausible[i : i + per_page])
for i in range(0, len(plausible), per_page)
self = cls(ctx, nested_pages, per_page=1) # this forces the pagination session
self.prefix = cleanup_prefix(ctx.bot, ctx.prefix)
@ -416,7 +454,7 @@ class HelpPaginator(Pages):
def get_bot_page(self, page):
cog, description, commands = self.entries[page - 1]
self.title = f'{cog} Commands'
self.title = f"{cog} Commands"
self.description = description
return commands
@ -428,19 +466,27 @@ class HelpPaginator(Pages):
self.embed.description = self.description
self.embed.title = self.title
if hasattr(self, '_is_bot'):
value = 'For more help, join the official bot support server: https://discord.gg/f6uzJEj'
self.embed.add_field(name='Support', value=value, inline=False)
if hasattr(self, "_is_bot"):
value = "For more help, join the official bot support server: https://discord.gg/f6uzJEj"
self.embed.add_field(name="Support", value=value, inline=False)
self.embed.set_footer(text=f'Use "{self.prefix}help command" for more info on a command.')
text=f'Use "{self.prefix}help command" for more info on a command.'
signature = _command_signature
for entry in entries:
self.embed.add_field(name=signature(entry), value=entry.short_doc or "No help given", inline=False)
value=entry.short_doc or "No help given",
if self.maximum_pages:
self.embed.set_author(name=f'Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages} ({self.total} commands)')
name=f"Page {page}/{self.maximum_pages} ({self.total} commands)"
if not self.paginating:
return await self.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
@ -451,7 +497,7 @@ class HelpPaginator(Pages):
self.message = await self.channel.send(embed=self.embed)
for (reaction, _) in self.reaction_emojis:
if self.maximum_pages == 2 and reaction in ('\u23ed', '\u23ee'):
if self.maximum_pages == 2 and reaction in ("\u23ed", "\u23ee"):
# no |<< or >>| buttons if we only have two pages
# we can't forbid it if someone ends up using it but remove
# it from the default set
@ -462,14 +508,20 @@ class HelpPaginator(Pages):
async def show_help(self):
"""shows this message"""
self.embed.title = 'Paginator help'
self.embed.description = 'Hello! Welcome to the help page.'
self.embed.title = "Paginator help"
self.embed.description = "Hello! Welcome to the help page."
messages = [f'{emoji} {func.__doc__}' for emoji, func in self.reaction_emojis]
messages = [f"{emoji} {func.__doc__}" for emoji, func in self.reaction_emojis]
self.embed.add_field(name='What are these reactions for?', value='\n'.join(messages), inline=False)
name="What are these reactions for?",
self.embed.set_footer(text=f'We were on page {self.current_page} before this message.')
text=f"We were on page {self.current_page} before this message."
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
async def go_back_to_current_page():
@ -481,25 +533,33 @@ class HelpPaginator(Pages):
async def show_bot_help(self):
"""shows how to use the bot"""
self.embed.title = 'Using the bot'
self.embed.description = 'Hello! Welcome to the help page.'
self.embed.title = "Using the bot"
self.embed.description = "Hello! Welcome to the help page."
entries = (
('<argument>', 'This means the argument is __**required**__.'),
('[argument]', 'This means the argument is __**optional**__.'),
('[A|B]', 'This means the it can be __**either A or B**__.'),
('[argument...]', 'This means you can have multiple arguments.\n'
'Now that you know the basics, it should be noted that...\n'
'__**You do not type in the brackets!**__')
("<argument>", "This means the argument is __**required**__."),
("[argument]", "This means the argument is __**optional**__."),
("[A|B]", "This means the it can be __**either A or B**__."),
"This means you can have multiple arguments.\n"
"Now that you know the basics, it should be noted that...\n"
"__**You do not type in the brackets!**__",
self.embed.add_field(name='How do I use this bot?', value='Reading the bot signature is pretty simple.')
name="How do I use this bot?",
value="Reading the bot signature is pretty simple.",
for name, value in entries:
self.embed.add_field(name=name, value=value, inline=False)
self.embed.set_footer(text=f'We were on page {self.current_page} before this message.')
text=f"We were on page {self.current_page} before this message."
await self.message.edit(embed=self.embed)
async def go_back_to_current_page():