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2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
from discord.ext import commands
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
import discord
from . import utils
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
import random
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
import pendulum
import re
import asyncio
import traceback
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
import rethinkdb as r
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
class Raffle:
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def raffle_task(self):
while True:
await self.check_raffles()
except Exception as error:
with open("error_log", 'a') as f:
traceback.print_tb(error.__traceback__, file=f)
print('{0.__class__.__name__}: {0}'.format(error), file=f)
await asyncio.sleep(60)
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
async def check_raffles(self):
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
# This is used to periodically check the current raffles, and see if they have ended yet
# If the raffle has ended, we'll pick a winner from the entrants
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
raffles = self.bot.db.load('raffles')
if raffles is None:
for raffle in raffles:
2017-03-09 09:04:16 +13:00
server = self.bot.get_guild(int(raffle['server_id']))
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
title = raffle['title']
entrants = raffle['entrants']
raffle_id = raffle['id']
# Check to see if this cog can find the server in question
if server is None:
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
await self.bot.db.query(r.table('raffles').get(raffle_id).delete())
now = pendulum.utcnow()
expires = pendulum.parse(raffle['expires'])
# Now lets compare and see if this raffle has ended, if not just continue
if expires > now:
# Make sure there are actually entrants
if len(entrants) == 0:
fmt = 'Sorry, but there were no entrants for the raffle `{}`!'.format(title)
winner = None
count = 0
while winner is None:
2017-03-09 09:04:16 +13:00
winner = server.get_member(int(random.SystemRandom().choice(entrants)))
# Lets make sure we don't get caught in an infinite loop
2017-03-09 09:04:16 +13:00
# Realistically having more than 50 random entrants found that aren't in the server anymore
# Isn't something that should be an issue, but better safe than sorry
count += 1
2017-03-09 09:04:16 +13:00
if count >= 50:
if winner is None:
fmt = 'I couldn\'t find an entrant that is still in this server, for the raffle `{}`!'.format(title)
fmt = 'The raffle `{}` has just ended! The winner is {}!'.format(title, winner.display_name)
2017-06-18 11:04:46 +12:00
# Get the notifications settings, get the raffle setting
notifications = self.bot.db.load('server_settings', key=server.id, pluck='notifications') or {}
# Set our default to either the one set, or the default channel of the server
default_channel_id = notifications.get('default') or server.id
# If it is has been overriden by picarto notifications setting, use this
channel_id = notifications.get('raffle') or default_channel_id
channel = self.bot.get_channel(int(channel_id))
if channel is None:
channel = server.default_channel
2017-03-09 09:04:16 +13:00
await channel.send(fmt)
except (discord.Forbidden, AttributeError):
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
# No matter which one of these matches were met, the raffle has ended and we want to remove it
await self.bot.db.query(r.table('raffles').get(raffle_id).delete())
# Now...this is an ugly idea yes, but due to the way raffles are setup currently (they'll be changed in
# the future) The cache does not update, and leaves behind this deletion....so we need to manually update
# the cache here
2017-06-18 11:04:46 +12:00
await self.bot.db.cache.get('raffles').refresh()
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
async def raffles(self, ctx):
"""Used to print the current running raffles on the server
EXAMPLE: !raffles
RESULT: A list of the raffles setup on this server"""
r_filter = {'server_id': str(ctx.message.guild.id)}
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
raffles = self.bot.db.load('raffles', table_filter=r_filter)
2017-06-18 11:04:46 +12:00
if not raffles:
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send("There are currently no raffles setup on this server!")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
# For EVERY OTHER COG, when we get one result, it is nice to have it return that exact object
# This is the only cog where that is different, so just to make this easier lets throw it
# back in a one-indexed list, for easier parsing
if isinstance(raffles, dict):
raffles = [raffles]
fmt = "\n\n".join("**Raffle:** {}\n**Title:** {}\n**Total Entrants:** {}\n**Ends:** {} UTC".format(
num + 1,
raffle['expires']) for num, raffle in enumerate(raffles))
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send(fmt)
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
async def raffle(self, ctx, raffle_id: int = 0):
"""Used to enter a raffle running on this server
If there is more than one raffle running, provide an ID of the raffle you want to enter
EXAMPLE: !raffle 1
RESULT: You've entered the first raffle!"""
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
# Lets let people use 1 - (length of raffles) and handle 0 base ourselves
raffle_id -= 1
r_filter = {'server_id': str(ctx.message.guild.id)}
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
author = ctx.message.author
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
raffles = self.bot.db.load('raffles', table_filter=r_filter)
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
if raffles is None:
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send("There are currently no raffles setup on this server!")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
if isinstance(raffles, list):
raffle_count = len(raffles)
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
raffles = [raffles]
raffle_count = 1
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
# There is only one raffle, so use the first's info
if raffle_count == 1:
entrants = raffles[0]['entrants']
# Lets make sure that the user hasn't already entered the raffle
if str(author.id) in entrants:
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send("You have already entered this raffle!")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
update = {
'entrants': entrants,
'id': raffles[0]['id']
self.bot.db.save('raffles', update)
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send("{} you have just entered the raffle!".format(author.mention))
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
# Otherwise, make sure the author gave a valid raffle_id
elif raffle_id in range(raffle_count + 1):
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
entrants = raffles[raffle_id]['entrants']
# Lets make sure that the user hasn't already entered the raffle
if str(author.id) in entrants:
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send("You have already entered this raffle!")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
# Since we have no good thing to filter things off of, lets use the internal rethinkdb id
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
update = {
'entrants': entrants,
'id': raffles[0]['id']
self.bot.db.save('raffles', update)
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send("{} you have just entered the raffle!".format(author.mention))
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
fmt = "Please provide a valid raffle ID, as there are more than one setup on the server! " \
"There are currently `{}` raffles running, use {}raffles to view the current running raffles".format(
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
raffle_count, ctx.prefix)
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send(fmt)
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
@raffle.command(pass_context=True, name='create', aliases=['start', 'begin', 'add'])
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
async def raffle_create(self, ctx):
"""This is used in order to create a new server raffle
EXAMPLE: !raffle create
RESULT: A follow-along for setting up a new raffle"""
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
author = ctx.message.author
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
server = ctx.message.guild
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
channel = ctx.message.channel
now = pendulum.utcnow()
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send(
"Ready to start a new raffle! Please respond with the title you would like to use for this raffle!")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
check = lambda m: m.author == author and m.channel == channel
2017-03-08 12:47:00 +13:00
msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=120)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send("You took too long! >:c")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
title = msg.content
fmt = "Alright, your new raffle will be titled:\n\n{}\n\nHow long would you like this raffle to run for? " \
"The format should be [number] [length] for example, `2 days` or `1 hour` or `30 minutes` etc. " \
"The minimum for this is 10 minutes, and the maximum is 3 months"
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send(fmt.format(title))
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
# Our check to ensure that a proper length of time was passed
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
def check(m):
if m.author == author and m.channel == channel:
return re.search("\d+ (minutes?|hours?|days?|weeks?|months?)", m.content.lower()) is not None
return False
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
2017-03-08 12:47:00 +13:00
msg = await self.bot.wait_for('message', timeout=120, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send("You took too long! >:c")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
# Lets get the length provided, based on the number and type passed
num, term = re.search("\d+ (minutes?|hours?|days?|weeks?|months?)", msg.content.lower()).group(0).split(' ')
# This should be safe to convert, we already made sure with our check earlier this would match
num = int(num)
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
# Now lets ensure this meets our min/max
if "minute" in term and (num < 10 or num > 129600):
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send(
"Length provided out of range! The minimum for this is 10 minutes, and the maximum is 3 months")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
elif "hour" in term and num > 2160:
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send(
"Length provided out of range! The minimum for this is 10 minutes, and the maximum is 3 months")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
elif "day" in term and num > 90:
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send(
"Length provided out of range! The minimum for this is 10 minutes, and the maximum is 3 months")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
elif "week" in term and num > 12:
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send(
"Length provided out of range! The minimum for this is 10 minutes, and the maximum is 3 months")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
elif "month" in term and num > 3:
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send(
"Length provided out of range! The minimum for this is 10 minutes, and the maximum is 3 months")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
# Pendulum only accepts the plural version of terms, lets make sure this is added
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
term = term if term.endswith('s') else term + 's'
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
# If we're in the range, lets just pack this in a dictionary we can pass to set the time we want, then set that
payload = {term: num}
expires = now.add(**payload)
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
# Now we're ready to add this as a new raffle
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
entry = {
'title': title,
'expires': expires.to_datetime_string(),
'entrants': [],
'author': str(author.id),
'server_id': str(server.id)
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
# We don't want to pass a filter to this, because we can have multiple raffles per server
2017-06-07 20:30:19 +12:00
self.bot.db.save('raffles', entry)
2017-03-08 11:35:30 +13:00
await ctx.send("I have just saved your new raffle!")
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
2017-06-18 11:04:46 +12:00
async def raffle_alerts_channel(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel):
"""Sets the notifications channel for raffle notifications
EXAMPLE: !raffle alerts #raffle
RESULT: raffle notifications will go to this channel
entry = {
'server_id': str(ctx.message.guild.id),
'notifications': {
'raffle': str(channel.id)
self.bot.db.save('server_settings', entry)
await ctx.send("All raffle notifications will now go to {}".format(channel.mention))
2016-10-11 15:58:05 +13:00
def setup(bot):