# Usage: # docker-compose up -d # docker-compose run archivebox init # echo "https://example.com" | docker-compose run archivebox archivebox add # docker-compose run archivebox add --depth=1 https://example.com/some/feed.rss # docker-compose run archivebox config --set PUBLIC_INDEX=True # Documentation: # https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/wiki/Docker#docker-compose version: '3.7' services: archivebox: # build: . image: nikisweeting/archivebox:latest command: server stdin_open: true tty: true ports: - 8000:8000 environment: - USE_COLOR=True - SHOW_PROGRESS=False volumes: - ./data:/data # Optional Addons: tweak these examples as needed for your specific use case # Example: Run scheduled imports in a docker instead of using cron on the # host machine, add tasks and see more info with archivebox schedule --help # scheduler: # image: nikisweeting/archivebox:latest # command: schedule --foreground --every=day --depth=1 'https://getpocket.com/users/USERNA