__package__ = 'archivebox.legacy' import os import json from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Iterable from collections import OrderedDict from contextlib import contextmanager from .schema import Link, ArchiveResult from .config import ( SQL_INDEX_FILENAME, JSON_INDEX_FILENAME, HTML_INDEX_FILENAME, OUTPUT_DIR, TIMEOUT, URL_BLACKLIST_PTN, ANSI, stderr, ) from .storage.html import write_html_main_index, write_html_link_details from .storage.json import ( parse_json_main_index, write_json_main_index, parse_json_link_details, write_json_link_details, ) from .storage.sql import ( write_sql_main_index, parse_sql_main_index, ) from .util import ( scheme, enforce_types, TimedProgress, atomic_write, ExtendedEncoder, ) from .parse import parse_links from .logs import ( log_indexing_process_started, log_indexing_process_finished, log_indexing_started, log_indexing_finished, log_parsing_started, log_parsing_finished, ) ### Link filtering and checking @enforce_types def merge_links(a: Link, b: Link) -> Link: """deterministially merge two links, favoring longer field values over shorter, and "cleaner" values over worse ones. """ assert a.base_url == b.base_url, 'Cannot merge two links with different URLs' # longest url wins (because a fuzzy url will always be shorter) url = a.url if len(a.url) > len(b.url) else b.url # best title based on length and quality possible_titles = [ title for title in (a.title, b.title) if title and title.strip() and '://' not in title ] title = None if len(possible_titles) == 2: title = max(possible_titles, key=lambda t: len(t)) elif len(possible_titles) == 1: title = possible_titles[0] # earliest valid timestamp timestamp = ( a.timestamp if float(a.timestamp or 0) < float(b.timestamp or 0) else b.timestamp ) # all unique, truthy tags tags_set = ( set(tag.strip() for tag in (a.tags or '').split(',')) | set(tag.strip() for tag in (b.tags or '').split(',')) ) tags = ','.join(tags_set) or None # all unique source entries sources = list(set(a.sources + b.sources)) # all unique history entries for the combined archive methods all_methods = set(list(a.history.keys()) + list(a.history.keys())) history = { method: (a.history.get(method) or []) + (b.history.get(method) or []) for method in all_methods } for method in all_methods: deduped_jsons = { json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, cls=ExtendedEncoder) for result in history[method] } history[method] = list(reversed(sorted( (ArchiveResult.from_json(json.loads(result)) for result in deduped_jsons), key=lambda result: result.start_ts, ))) return Link( url=url, timestamp=timestamp, title=title, tags=tags, sources=sources, history=history, ) @enforce_types def validate_links(links: Iterable[Link]) -> Iterable[Link]: links = archivable_links(links) # remove chrome://, about:, mailto: etc. links = sorted_links(links) # deterministically sort the links based on timstamp, url links = uniquefied_links(links) # merge/dedupe duplicate timestamps & urls if not links: stderr('{red}[X] No links found in index.{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) stderr(' To add a link to your archive, run:') stderr(" archivebox add 'https://example.com'") stderr() stderr(' For more usage and examples, run:') stderr(' archivebox help') raise SystemExit(1) return links @enforce_types def archivable_links(links: Iterable[Link]) -> Iterable[Link]: """remove chrome://, about:// or other schemed links that cant be archived""" for link in links: scheme_is_valid = scheme(link.url) in ('http', 'https', 'ftp') not_blacklisted = (not URL_BLACKLIST_PTN.match(link.url)) if URL_BLACKLIST_PTN else True if scheme_is_valid and not_blacklisted: yield link @enforce_types def uniquefied_links(sorted_links: Iterable[Link]) -> Iterable[Link]: """ ensures that all non-duplicate links have monotonically increasing timestamps """ unique_urls: OrderedDict[str, Link] = OrderedDict() for link in sorted_links: if link.base_url in unique_urls: # merge with any other links that share the same url link = merge_links(unique_urls[link.base_url], link) unique_urls[link.base_url] = link unique_timestamps: OrderedDict[str, Link] = OrderedDict() for link in unique_urls.values(): new_link = link.overwrite( timestamp=lowest_uniq_timestamp(unique_timestamps, link.timestamp), ) unique_timestamps[new_link.timestamp] = new_link return unique_timestamps.values() @enforce_types def sorted_links(links: Iterable[Link]) -> Iterable[Link]: sort_func = lambda link: (link.timestamp.split('.', 1)[0], link.url) return sorted(links, key=sort_func, reverse=True) @enforce_types def links_after_timestamp(links: Iterable[Link], resume: Optional[float]=None) -> Iterable[Link]: if not resume: yield from links return for link in links: try: if float(link.timestamp) <= resume: yield link except (ValueError, TypeError): print('Resume value and all timestamp values must be valid numbers.') @enforce_types def lowest_uniq_timestamp(used_timestamps: OrderedDict, timestamp: str) -> str: """resolve duplicate timestamps by appending a decimal 1234, 1234 -> 1234.1, 1234.2""" timestamp = timestamp.split('.')[0] nonce = 0 # first try 152323423 before 152323423.0 if timestamp not in used_timestamps: return timestamp new_timestamp = '{}.{}'.format(timestamp, nonce) while new_timestamp in used_timestamps: nonce += 1 new_timestamp = '{}.{}'.format(timestamp, nonce) return new_timestamp ### Main Links Index @contextmanager @enforce_types def timed_index_update(out_path: str): log_indexing_started(out_path) timer = TimedProgress(TIMEOUT * 2, prefix=' ') try: yield finally: timer.end() assert os.path.exists(out_path), f'Failed to write index file: {out_path}' log_indexing_finished(out_path) @enforce_types def write_main_index(links: List[Link], out_dir: str=OUTPUT_DIR, finished: bool=False) -> None: """create index.html file for a given list of links""" log_indexing_process_started(len(links)) with timed_index_update(os.path.join(out_dir, SQL_INDEX_FILENAME)): write_sql_main_index(links, out_dir=out_dir) with timed_index_update(os.path.join(out_dir, JSON_INDEX_FILENAME)): write_json_main_index(links, out_dir=out_dir) with timed_index_update(os.path.join(out_dir, HTML_INDEX_FILENAME)): write_html_main_index(links, out_dir=out_dir, finished=finished) log_indexing_process_finished() @enforce_types def load_main_index(out_dir: str=OUTPUT_DIR, warn: bool=True) -> List[Link]: """parse and load existing index with any new links from import_path merged in""" all_links: List[Link] = [] all_links = list(parse_json_main_index(out_dir)) links_from_sql = list(parse_sql_main_index()) if warn and not set(l.url for l in all_links) == set(l['url'] for l in links_from_sql): stderr('{red}[!] Warning: SQL index does not match JSON index!{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) return all_links @enforce_types def load_main_index_meta(out_dir: str=OUTPUT_DIR) -> Optional[dict]: index_path = os.path.join(out_dir, JSON_INDEX_FILENAME) if os.path.exists(index_path): with open(index_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: meta_dict = json.load(f) meta_dict.pop('links') return meta_dict return None @enforce_types def import_new_links(existing_links: List[Link], import_path: str) -> Tuple[List[Link], List[Link]]: new_links: List[Link] = [] # parse and validate the import file log_parsing_started(import_path) raw_links, parser_name = parse_links(import_path) new_links = list(validate_links(raw_links)) # merge existing links in out_dir and new links all_links = list(validate_links(existing_links + new_links)) if parser_name: num_parsed = len(raw_links) num_new_links = len(all_links) - len(existing_links) log_parsing_finished(num_parsed, num_new_links, parser_name) return all_links, new_links @enforce_types def patch_main_index(link: Link, out_dir: str=OUTPUT_DIR) -> None: """hack to in-place update one row's info in the generated index files""" # TODO: remove this ASAP, it's ugly, error-prone, and potentially dangerous title = link.title or link.latest_outputs(status='succeeded')['title'] successful = link.num_outputs # Patch JSON main index json_file_links = parse_json_main_index(out_dir) patched_links = [] for saved_link in json_file_links: if saved_link.url == link.url: patched_links.append(saved_link.overwrite( title=title, history=link.history, updated=link.updated, )) else: patched_links.append(saved_link) write_json_main_index(patched_links, out_dir=out_dir) # Patch HTML main index html_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'index.html') with open(html_path, 'r') as f: html = f.read().split('\n') for idx, line in enumerate(html): if title and (' None: out_dir = out_dir or link.link_dir write_json_link_details(link, out_dir=out_dir) write_html_link_details(link, out_dir=out_dir) @enforce_types def load_link_details(link: Link, out_dir: Optional[str]=None) -> Link: """check for an existing link archive in the given directory, and load+merge it into the given link dict """ out_dir = out_dir or link.link_dir existing_link = parse_json_link_details(out_dir) if existing_link: return merge_links(existing_link, link) return link