__package__ = 'archivebox.parsers' import re from typing import IO, Iterable, Optional from configparser import ConfigParser from pathlib import Path from ..vendor.pocket import Pocket from ..util import enforce_types from ..system import atomic_write from ..config import ( SOURCES_DIR, POCKET_CONSUMER_KEY, POCKET_ACCESS_TOKENS, ) COUNT_PER_PAGE = 500 API_DB_PATH = Path(SOURCES_DIR) / 'pocket_api.db' # search for broken protocols that sometimes come from the Pocket API _BROKEN_PROTOCOL_RE = re.compile('^(http[s]?)(:/(?!/))') def get_pocket_articles(api: Pocket, since=None, page=0): body, headers = api.get( state='archive', sort='oldest', since=since, count=COUNT_PER_PAGE, offset=page * COUNT_PER_PAGE, ) articles = body['list'].values() if isinstance(body['list'], dict) else body['list'] returned_count = len(articles) yield from articles if returned_count == COUNT_PER_PAGE: yield from get_pocket_articles(api, since=since, page=page + 1) else: api.last_since = body['since'] def snapshot_from_article(article: dict, sources: list): from core.models import Snapshot url: str = article['resolved_url'] or article['given_url'] broken_protocol = _BROKEN_PROTOCOL_RE.match(url) if broken_protocol: url = url.replace(f'{broken_protocol.group(1)}:/', f'{broken_protocol.group(1)}://') title = article['resolved_title'] or article['given_title'] or url return Snapshot( url=url, timestamp=article['time_read'], title=title, #tags=article.get('tags'), #sources=sources ) def write_since(username: str, since: str): if not API_DB_PATH.exists(): atomic_write(API_DB_PATH, '') since_file = ConfigParser() since_file.optionxform = str since_file.read(API_DB_PATH) since_file[username] = { 'since': since } with open(API_DB_PATH, 'w+') as new: since_file.write(new) def read_since(username: str) -> Optional[str]: if not API_DB_PATH.exists(): atomic_write(API_DB_PATH, '') config_file = ConfigParser() config_file.optionxform = str config_file.read(API_DB_PATH) return config_file.get(username, 'since', fallback=None) @enforce_types def should_parse_as_pocket_api(text: str) -> bool: return text.startswith('pocket://') @enforce_types def parse_pocket_api_export(input_buffer: IO[str], **_kwargs) -> Iterable[Link]: """Parse bookmarks from the Pocket API""" input_buffer.seek(0) pattern = re.compile(r"^pocket:\/\/(\w+)") for line in input_buffer: if should_parse_as_pocket_api(line): username = pattern.search(line).group(1) api = Pocket(POCKET_CONSUMER_KEY, POCKET_ACCESS_TOKENS[username]) api.last_since = None for article in get_pocket_articles(api, since=read_since(username)): yield snapshot_from_article(article, sources=[line]) write_since(username, api.last_since)