__package__ = 'archivebox.plugins.defaults' # import shutil import re from typing import List, Dict, Any from pathlib import Path from django.db import models, transaction from django.utils.functional import cached_property from solo.models import SingletonModel # type: ignore[import-untyped] from config import bin_path, bin_version ConfigDict = Dict[str, Any] # def bin_path(binary: str) -> str | None: # return shutil.which(str(Path(binary).expanduser())) or shutil.which(str(binary)) or binary # def bin_version(bin_path: str, cmd: str | None=None) -> str | None: # return '0.0.0' # def pretty_path(path: Path) -> str: # """take a Path object and return the path as a string relative to the current directory""" # if not path: # return '' # return str(path.expanduser().resolve().relative_to(Path.cwd().resolve())) class ArchiveBoxBaseDependency(models.Model): singleton_instance_id = 1 id = models.AutoField(default=singleton_instance_id, primary_key=True) NAME = 'DEFAULT' LABEL = "Default" REQUIRED = False PARENT_DEPENDENCIES: List[str] = [] BIN_DEPENDENCIES: List[str] = [] APT_DEPENDENCIES: List[str] = [] BREW_DEPENDENCIES: List[str] = [] PIP_DEPENDENCIES: List[str] = [] NPM_DEPENDENCIES: List[str] = [] DEFAULT_BINARY: str | None = '/bin/bash' DEFAULT_START_CMD: str | None = '/bin/bash -c "while true; do sleep 1; done"' DEFAULT_PID_FILE: str | None = 'logs/{NAME}_WORKER.pid' DEFAULT_STOP_CMD: str | None = 'kill "$(<{PID_FILE})"' DEFAULT_VERSION_COMMAND: str | None = '{BINARY} --version' DEFAULT_ARGS: str | None = '' VERSION_CMD = '{BINARY} --version' ENABLED = models.BooleanField(default=True, editable=False) BINARY = models.CharField(max_length=255, default=DEFAULT_BINARY) ARGS = models.CharField(max_length=255, default=DEFAULT_ARGS) # START_CMD = models.CharField(max_length=255, default=DEFAULT_START_CMD) # WORKERS = models.IntegerField(default=1) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'defaults' def __str__(self): return f"{self.LABEL} Dependency Configuration" def __json__(self): return { 'type': 'ArchiveBoxDependency', '__class__': self.__class__.__name__, 'NAME': self.NAME, 'LABEL': self.LABEL, 'ENABLED': self.ENABLED, 'BINARY': self.BINARY, 'ARGS': self.ARGS, # 'START_CMD': self.START_CMD, # 'WORKERS': self.WORKERS, } @cached_property def bin_path(self) -> str: return bin_path(self.BINARY or self.DEFAULT_BINARY) @cached_property def bin_version(self) -> str | None: print(f'ArchiveBoxBaseDependency.bin_version({self.bin_path}, cmd={self.VERSION_CMD.format(BINARY=self.BINARY)})') return bin_version(self.bin_path, cmd=self.VERSION_CMD.format(BINARY=self.BINARY)) # return bin_version(self.bin_path, cmd=self.VERSION_CMD) @cached_property def is_valid(self) -> bool: return bool(self.bin_path and self.bin_version) @cached_property def is_enabled(self) -> bool: return bool(self.ENABLED and self.is_valid) @cached_property def pretty_version(self) -> str: if self.is_enabled: if self.is_valid: color, symbol, note, version = 'green', '√', 'valid', '' parsed_version_num = re.search(r'[\d\.]+', self.bin_version) if parsed_version_num: version = f'v{parsed_version_num[0]}' if not self.bin_version: color, symbol, note, version = 'red', 'X', 'invalid', '?' else: color, symbol, note, version = 'lightyellow', '-', 'disabled', '-' path = pretty_path(self.bin_path) return ' '.join(( ANSI[color], symbol, ANSI['reset'], name.ljust(21), version.ljust(14), ANSI[color], note.ljust(8), ANSI['reset'], path.ljust(76), )) # @helper def install_parents(self, config): return { # parent_dependency.NAME: parent_dependency.get_solo().install_self() parent_dependency: parent_dependency for parent_dependency in self.PARENT_DEPENDENCIES } # @helper def install_self(self, config): assert all(self.install_parents(config=config).values()) BashEnvironmentDependency.get_solo().install_pkgs(self.BIN_DEPENDENCIES) AptEnvironmentDependency.get_solo().install_pkgs(self.APT_DEPENDENCIES) BrewEnvironmentDependency.get_solo().install_pkgs(self.BREW_DEPENDENCIES) PipEnvironmentDependency.get_solo().install_pkgs(self.PIP_DEPENDENCIES) NPMEnvironmentDependency.get_solo().install_pkgs(self.NPM_DEPENDENCIES) assert self.is_valid return self.bin_version # @task def run(args, pwd, timeout): errors = None timer = TimedProgress(timeout, prefix=' ') try: proc = run(cmd=[self.bin_path, *args], pwd=pwd, timeout=timeout) except Exception as err: errors = err finally: timer.end() return proc, timer, errors class ArchiveBoxDefaultDependency(ArchiveBoxBaseDependency, SingletonModel): singleton_instance_id = 1 id = models.AutoField(default=singleton_instance_id, primary_key=True) ENABLED = models.BooleanField(default=True, editable=True) class Meta: # pyright: ignore [reportIncompatibleVariableOverride] abstract = False app_label = 'defaults' verbose_name = 'Default Configuration: Dependencies' class ArchiveBoxBaseExtractor(models.Model): singleton_instance_id = 1 id = models.AutoField(default=singleton_instance_id, primary_key=True) NAME = 'DEFAULT' LABEL = 'Default' DEFAULT_DEPENDENCY = ArchiveBoxDefaultDependency DEPENDENCY = DEFAULT_DEPENDENCY DEFAULT_ENABLED = True DEFAULT_CMD = ['{DEPENDENCY.BINARY}', '{ARGS}', '{url}'] DEFAULT_ARGS = ['--timeout={TIMEOUT}'] DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = '{TIMEOUT}' # DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = '{USER_AGENT}' # DEFAULT_COOKIES_TXT = '{COOKIES_TXT}' ENABLED = models.BooleanField(default=DEFAULT_ENABLED, editable=True) CMD = models.CharField(max_length=255, default=DEFAULT_CMD) ARGS = models.CharField(max_length=255, default=DEFAULT_ARGS) TIMEOUT = models.CharField(max_length=255, default=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) ALIASES = { 'ENABLED': (f'SAVE_{NAME}', f'USE_{NAME}', f'FETCH_{NAME}'), } def __str__(self): return f"{self.LABEL} Extractor Configuration" class Meta: # pyright: ignore [reportIncompatibleVariableOverride] abstract = True verbose_name = "Default Extractor Configuration" app_label = 'defaults' @cached_property def dependency(self): return self.DEPENDENCY.get_solo() def __json__(self): return { 'type': 'ArchiveBoxExtractor', '__class__': self.__class__.__name__, 'NAME': self.NAME, 'LABEL': self.LABEL, 'ENABLED': self.ENABLED, 'DEPENDENCY': self.dependency.__json__(), 'ARGS': self.ARGS, 'CMD': self.CMD, 'TIMEOUT': self.TIMEOUT, 'is_valid': self.is_valid, 'is_enabled': self.is_enabled, } def format_args(self, csv: List[str], **config): un_prefixed_config = {**self.__json__()} # e.g. ENABLED=True prefixed_config = { # e.g. GALLERYDL_ENABLED=True f'{self.NAME}_{key}': value for key, value in un_prefixed_config.items() } merged_config = { **config, # e.g. TIMEOUT=60 **un_prefixed_config, # e.g. ENABLED=True **prefixed_config, # e.g. GALLERYDL_ENABLED=True } formatted_config = [ arg.format(**merged_config) for arg in csv ] return formatted_config @cached_property def is_valid(self): if not self.dependency.is_valid: return False # TIMEOUT must be at least 5 seconds # if self.TIMEOUT < 5: # return False # assert Path(self.COOKIES_TXT).exists() # TODO: validate user agent with uaparser # TODO: validate args, cookies.txt? return True @cached_property def is_enabled(self): return self.ENABLED and self.is_valid and self.dependency.is_enabled def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # assert self.is_valid with transaction.atomic(): result = super().save(*args, **kwargs) # post to message bus: print({ 'type': f'{self.__class__.__name__}.save', 'diff': self.__json__(), 'kwargs': kwargs, }) # potential consumers of this event: # - event logger: write to events.log # - config file updater: writes to ArchiveBox.conf # - supervisor: restarts relevant dependencies/extractors # - etc... return result def out_dir(self, url: str, snapshot_dir: Path, config: ConfigDict): return (snapshot_dir / self.NAME) def create_out_dir(self, url: str, snapshot_dir: Path, config: ConfigDict): out_dir = self.out_dir(url=url, snapshot_dir=snapshot_dir, config=config) return out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) def should_extract(self, url: str, snapshot_dir: Path, config: ConfigDict): # return False if extractor is disabled if not self.is_enabled: return False out_dir = self.out_dir(url=url, snapshot_dir=snapshot_dir, config=config) if has_existing_output := out_dir.glob('*'): return False if not (has_write_access := os.access(out_dir, os.W_OK | os.X_OK)): return False return True def get_dependency_cmd(self, url: str, extractor_dir: Path, config: ConfigDict): return [ self.format_args(self.CMD, **config), url, *self.format_args(self.ARGS, **config), # TODO: split and requote this properly ] # @requires_config('HOSTNAME', 'TIMEOUT', 'USER_AGENT', 'CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY') def extract(self, url: str, snapshot_dir: Path, config: ConfigDict): if not self.ENABLED: return extractor_dir = self.create_extractor_directory(snapshot_dir) cmd = self.get_dependency_cmd(url=url, extractor_dir=extractor_dir, config=config) status, stdout, stderr, output_path = 'failed', '', '', None try: proc, timer, errors = self.dependency.run(cmd, cwd=extractor_dir, timeout=self.TIMEOUT) stdout, stderr = proc.stdout, proc.stderr if 'ERROR: Unsupported URL' in stderr: hints = ('gallery-dl doesnt support this type of url yet',) raise ArchiveError('Failed to save gallerydl', hints) if proc.returncode == 0 and 'finished' in stdout: output_path = extractor_dir / 'index.html' status = 'succeeded' except Exception as err: stderr += err num_bytes, num_dirs, num_files = get_dir_size(extractor_dir) return ArchiveResult( cmd=cmd, pwd=str(out_dir), cmd_version=self.dependency.bin_version, cmd_path=self.dependency.bin_path, cmd_hostname=config.HOSTNAME, output_path=output_path, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, status=status, num_bytes=num_bytes, num_files=num_files, num_dirs=num_dirs, **timer.stats, ) class ArchiveBoxDefaultExtractor(ArchiveBoxBaseExtractor, SingletonModel): singleton_instance_id = 1 id = models.AutoField(default=singleton_instance_id, primary_key=True) DEPENDENCY = ArchiveBoxDefaultDependency ENABLED = models.BooleanField(default=True, editable=True) class Meta: abstract = False app_label = 'defaults' verbose_name = 'Default Configuration: Extractors'