#!/usr/bin/env bash ### Bash Environment Setup # http://redsymbol.net/articles/unofficial-bash-strict-mode/ # https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/The-Set-Builtin.html # set -o xtrace set -o errexit set -o errtrace set -o nounset set -o pipefail IFS=$'\n' REPO_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && cd .. && pwd )" source "$REPO_DIR/.venv/bin/activate" cd "$REPO_DIR" # echo "[*] Fetching latest docs version" # cd "$REPO_DIR/docs" # git pull # cd "$REPO_DIR" # echo "[+] Building docs" # sphinx-apidoc -o docs archivebox # cd "$REPO_DIR/docs" # make html # cd "$REPO_DIR" echo "[*] Cleaning up build dirs" cd "$REPO_DIR" rm -Rf build dist archivebox.egg-info echo "[+] Building sdist, bdist_egg, and bdist_wheel" python3 setup.py sdist bdist_egg bdist_wheel echo "[+] Building docker image in the background..." docker build . -t archivebox \ -t archivebox:latest > /tmp/archivebox_docker_build.log 2>&1 & ps "$!" echo "[√] Done. Install the built package by running:" echo " python3 setup.py install" echo " # or" echo " pip3 install ."