import os import json from datetime import datetime from subprocess import run, PIPE, DEVNULL from parse import derived_link_info from config import ( ARCHIVE_PERMISSIONS, FETCH_WGET, FETCH_WGET_REQUISITES, FETCH_PDF, FETCH_SCREENSHOT, RESOLUTION, SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG, FETCH_AUDIO, FETCH_VIDEO, FETCH_FAVICON, ) def chmod_file(path, cwd='.', permissions='755', timeout=30): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(cwd, path)): raise Exception('Failed to chmod: {} does not exist (did the previous step fail?)'.format(path)) chmod_result = run(['chmod', '-R', permissions, path], cwd=cwd, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=PIPE, timeout=timeout) if chmod_result.returncode == 1: print(' ', chmod_result.stderr.decode()) raise Exception('Failed to chmod {}/{}'.format(cwd, path)) def fetch_wget(out_dir, link, overwrite=False, requisites=True, timeout=60): """download full site using wget""" domain = link['base_url'].split('/', 1)[0] if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(out_dir, domain)) or overwrite: print(' - Downloading Full Site') CMD = [ *'wget --timestamping --adjust-extension --no-parent'.split(' '), # Docs: *(('--page-requisites', '--convert-links') if requisites else ()), link['url'], ] try: result = run(CMD, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=out_dir, timeout=timeout) # dom.html if result.returncode > 0: print(' ', result.stderr.decode().split('\n')[-1]) raise Exception('Failed to wget download') chmod_file(domain, cwd=out_dir) except Exception as e: print(' Run to see full output:', 'cd {}; {}'.format(out_dir, ' '.join(CMD))) print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) else: print(' √ Skipping site download') def fetch_pdf(out_dir, link, overwrite=False, timeout=60, chrome_binary='chromium-browser'): """print PDF of site to file using chrome --headless""" path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'output.pdf') if (not os.path.exists(path) or overwrite) and link['type'] not in ('PDF', 'image'): print(' - Printing PDF') CMD = [ chrome_binary, *'--headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf'.split(' '), link['url'] ] try: result = run(CMD, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=PIPE, cwd=out_dir, timeout=timeout) # output.pdf if result.returncode: print(' ', result.stderr.decode()) raise Exception('Failed to print PDF') chmod_file('output.pdf', cwd=out_dir) except Exception as e: print(' Run to see full output:', 'cd {}; {}'.format(out_dir, ' '.join(CMD))) print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) else: print(' √ Skipping PDF print') def fetch_screenshot(out_dir, link, overwrite=False, timeout=60, chrome_binary='chromium-browser', resolution='1440,900'): """take screenshot of site using chrome --headless""" path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'screenshot.png') if (not os.path.exists(path) or overwrite) and link['type'] not in ('PDF', 'image'): print(' - Snapping Screenshot') CMD = [ chrome_binary, *'--headless --disable-gpu --screenshot'.split(' '), '--window-size={}'.format(resolution), link['url'] ] try: result = run(CMD, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=out_dir, timeout=timeout) # sreenshot.png if result.returncode: print(' ', result.stderr.decode()) raise Exception('Failed to take screenshot') chmod_file('screenshot.png', cwd=out_dir) except Exception as e: print(' Run to see full output:', 'cd {}; {}'.format(out_dir, ' '.join(CMD))) print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) else: print(' √ Skipping screenshot') def archive_dot_org(out_dir, link, overwrite=False, timeout=60): """submit site to for archiving via their service, save returned archive url""" path = os.path.join(out_dir, '') if not os.path.exists(path) or overwrite: print(' - Submitting to') submit_url = '{}'.format(link['url'].split('?', 1)[0]) success = False CMD = ['curl', '-I', submit_url] try: result = run(CMD, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=out_dir, timeout=timeout) # headers = result.stdout.splitlines() content_location = [h for h in headers if b'Content-Location: ' in h] if content_location: archive_path = content_location[0].split(b'Content-Location: ', 1)[-1].decode('utf-8') saved_url = '{}'.format(archive_path) success = True else: raise Exception('Failed to find "Content-Location" URL header in response.') except Exception as e: print(' Visit url to see output:', ' '.join(CMD)) print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) if success: with open('{}/'.format(out_dir), 'w') as f: f.write(saved_url) chmod_file('', cwd=out_dir) else: print(' √ Skipping') def fetch_favicon(out_dir, link, overwrite=False, timeout=60): """download site favicon from google's favicon api""" path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'favicon.ico') if not os.path.exists(path) or overwrite: print(' - Fetching Favicon') CMD = 'curl{domain}'.format(**link).split(' ') fout = open('{}/favicon.ico'.format(out_dir), 'w') try: run([*CMD], stdout=fout, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=out_dir, timeout=timeout) # favicon.ico chmod_file('favicon.ico', cwd=out_dir) except Exception as e: print(' Run to see full output:', ' '.join(CMD)) print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) fout.close() else: print(' √ Skipping favicon') def fetch_audio(out_dir, link, overwrite=False, timeout=60): """Download audio rip using youtube-dl""" if link['type'] not in ('soundcloud',): return path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'audio') if not os.path.exists(path) or overwrite: print(' - Downloading audio') CMD = [ "youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 -o '%(title)s.%(ext)s'", link['url'], ] try: result = run(CMD, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=out_dir, timeout=timeout) # sreenshot.png if result.returncode: print(' ', result.stderr.decode()) raise Exception('Failed to download audio') chmod_file('audio', cwd=out_dir) except Exception as e: print(' Run to see full output:', 'cd {}; {}'.format(out_dir, ' '.join(CMD))) print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) else: print(' √ Skipping audio download') def fetch_video(out_dir, link, overwrite=False, timeout=60): """Download video rip using youtube-dl""" if link['type'] not in ('youtube', 'youku', 'vimeo'): return path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'video') if not os.path.exists(path) or overwrite: print(' - Downloading video') CMD = [ "youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 -o '%(title)s.%(ext)s'", link['url'], ] try: result = run(CMD, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=out_dir, timeout=timeout) # sreenshot.png if result.returncode: print(' ', result.stderr.decode()) raise Exception('Failed to download video') chmod_file('video', cwd=out_dir) except Exception as e: print(' Run to see full output:', 'cd {}; {}'.format(out_dir, ' '.join(CMD))) print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) else: print(' √ Skipping video download') def dump_link_info(out_dir, link, update=True): """write a json file with some info about the link""" info_file_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'link.json') if (not os.path.exists(info_file_path) or update): print(' - Creating link info file') try: link_json = derived_link_info(link) link_json['archived_timstamp'] = str('.')[0] with open(info_file_path, 'w') as link_file: link_file.write(json.dumps( link_json, indent=4, default=str) + '\n') chmod_file('link.json', cwd=out_dir) except Exception as e: print(' Failed: {} {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e)) else: print(' √ Skipping link info file') def dump_website(link, service, overwrite=False, permissions=ARCHIVE_PERMISSIONS): """download the DOM, PDF, and a screenshot into a folder named after the link's timestamp""" print('[+] [{timestamp} ({time})] "{title}": {base_url}'.format(**link)) out_dir = os.path.join(service, 'archive', link['timestamp']) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) run(['chmod', permissions, out_dir], timeout=5) if link['type']: print(' i Type: {}'.format(link['type'])) if not (link['url'].startswith('http') or link['url'].startswith('ftp')): print(' X Skipping: invalid link.') return if FETCH_WGET: fetch_wget(out_dir, link, overwrite=overwrite, requisites=FETCH_WGET_REQUISITES) if FETCH_PDF: fetch_pdf(out_dir, link, overwrite=overwrite) if FETCH_SCREENSHOT: fetch_screenshot(out_dir, link, overwrite=overwrite, resolution=RESOLUTION) if SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG: archive_dot_org(out_dir, link, overwrite=overwrite) if FETCH_AUDIO: fetch_audio(out_dir, link, overwrite=overwrite) if FETCH_VIDEO: fetch_video(out_dir, link, overwrite=overwrite) if FETCH_FAVICON: fetch_favicon(out_dir, link, overwrite=overwrite) dump_link_info(out_dir, link)