#!/usr/bin/env python3 __package__ = 'archivebox.cli' __command__ = 'archivebox update' import sys import argparse from typing import List, Optional, IO from ..main import update from ..util import docstring from ..config import OUTPUT_DIR from ..index import ( get_indexed_folders, get_archived_folders, get_unarchived_folders, get_present_folders, get_valid_folders, get_invalid_folders, get_duplicate_folders, get_orphaned_folders, get_corrupted_folders, get_unrecognized_folders, ) from ..logging_util import SmartFormatter, accept_stdin @docstring(update.__doc__) def main(args: Optional[List[str]]=None, stdin: Optional[IO]=None, pwd: Optional[str]=None) -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=__command__, description=update.__doc__, add_help=True, formatter_class=SmartFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( '--only-new', #'-n', action='store_true', help="Don't attempt to retry previously skipped/failed links when updating", ) parser.add_argument( '--index-only', #'-o', action='store_true', help="Update the main index without archiving any content", ) parser.add_argument( '--resume', #'-r', type=float, help='Resume the update process from a given timestamp', default=None, ) parser.add_argument( '--overwrite', #'-x', action='store_true', help='Ignore existing archived content and overwrite with new versions (DANGEROUS)', ) parser.add_argument( '--before', #'-b', type=float, help="Update only links bookmarked before the given timestamp.", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( '--after', #'-a', type=float, help="Update only links bookmarked after the given timestamp.", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( '--status', type=str, choices=('indexed', 'archived', 'unarchived', 'present', 'valid', 'invalid', 'duplicate', 'orphaned', 'corrupted', 'unrecognized'), default='indexed', help=( 'Update only links or data directories that have the given status\n' f' indexed {get_indexed_folders.__doc__} (the default)\n' f' archived {get_archived_folders.__doc__}\n' f' unarchived {get_unarchived_folders.__doc__}\n' '\n' f' present {get_present_folders.__doc__}\n' f' valid {get_valid_folders.__doc__}\n' f' invalid {get_invalid_folders.__doc__}\n' '\n' f' duplicate {get_duplicate_folders.__doc__}\n' f' orphaned {get_orphaned_folders.__doc__}\n' f' corrupted {get_corrupted_folders.__doc__}\n' f' unrecognized {get_unrecognized_folders.__doc__}\n' ) ) parser.add_argument( '--filter-type', type=str, choices=('exact', 'substring', 'domain', 'regex', 'search'), default='exact', help='Type of pattern matching to use when filtering URLs', ) parser.add_argument( 'filter_patterns', nargs='*', type=str, default=None, help='Update only URLs matching these filter patterns.' ) parser.add_argument( "--extract", type=str, help="Pass a list of the extractors to be used. If the method name is not correct, it will be ignored. \ This does not take precedence over the configuration", default="" ) command = parser.parse_args(args or ()) filter_patterns_str = accept_stdin(stdin) update( resume=command.resume, only_new=command.only_new, index_only=command.index_only, overwrite=command.overwrite, filter_patterns_str=filter_patterns_str, filter_patterns=command.filter_patterns, filter_type=command.filter_type, status=command.status, after=command.after, before=command.before, out_dir=pwd or OUTPUT_DIR, extractors=command.extract, ) if __name__ == '__main__': main(args=sys.argv[1:], stdin=sys.stdin)