__package__ = 'archivebox.index' from pathlib import Path from datetime import datetime, timezone from collections import defaultdict from typing import List, Optional, Iterator, Mapping from django.utils.html import format_html, mark_safe from django.core.cache import cache from .schema import Link from ..system import atomic_write from ..logging_util import printable_filesize from ..util import ( enforce_types, ts_to_date_str, urlencode, htmlencode, urldecode, ) from ..config import ( OUTPUT_DIR, VERSION, FOOTER_INFO, HTML_INDEX_FILENAME, SAVE_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG, PREVIEW_ORIGINALS, ) MAIN_INDEX_TEMPLATE = 'static_index.html' MINIMAL_INDEX_TEMPLATE = 'minimal_index.html' LINK_DETAILS_TEMPLATE = 'snapshot.html' TITLE_LOADING_MSG = 'Not yet archived...' ### Main Links Index @enforce_types def parse_html_main_index(out_dir: Path=OUTPUT_DIR) -> Iterator[str]: """parse an archive index html file and return the list of urls""" index_path = Path(out_dir) / HTML_INDEX_FILENAME if index_path.exists(): with open(index_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: if 'class="link-url"' in line: yield line.split('"')[1] return () @enforce_types def generate_index_from_links(links: List[Link], with_headers: bool): if with_headers: output = main_index_template(links) else: output = main_index_template(links, template=MINIMAL_INDEX_TEMPLATE) return output @enforce_types def main_index_template(links: List[Link], template: str=MAIN_INDEX_TEMPLATE) -> str: """render the template for the entire main index""" return render_django_template(template, { 'version': VERSION, 'git_sha': VERSION, # not used anymore, but kept for backwards compatibility 'num_links': str(len(links)), 'date_updated': datetime.now(timezone.utc).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'time_updated': datetime.now(timezone.utc).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), 'links': [link._asdict(extended=True) for link in links], 'FOOTER_INFO': FOOTER_INFO, }) ### Link Details Index @enforce_types def write_html_link_details(link: Link, out_dir: Optional[str]=None) -> None: out_dir = out_dir or link.link_dir rendered_html = link_details_template(link) atomic_write(str(Path(out_dir) / HTML_INDEX_FILENAME), rendered_html) @enforce_types def link_details_template(link: Link) -> str: from ..extractors.wget import wget_output_path link_info = link._asdict(extended=True) return render_django_template(LINK_DETAILS_TEMPLATE, { **link_info, **link_info['canonical'], 'title': htmlencode( link.title or (link.base_url if link.is_archived else TITLE_LOADING_MSG) ), 'url_str': htmlencode(urldecode(link.base_url)), 'archive_url': urlencode( wget_output_path(link) or (link.domain if link.is_archived else '') ) or 'about:blank', 'extension': link.extension or 'html', 'tags': link.tags or 'untagged', 'size': printable_filesize(link.archive_size) if link.archive_size else 'pending', 'status': 'archived' if link.is_archived else 'not yet archived', 'status_color': 'success' if link.is_archived else 'danger', 'oldest_archive_date': ts_to_date_str(link.oldest_archive_date), 'SAVE_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG': SAVE_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG, 'PREVIEW_ORIGINALS': PREVIEW_ORIGINALS, }) @enforce_types def render_django_template(template: str, context: Mapping[str, str]) -> str: """render a given html template string with the given template content""" from django.template.loader import render_to_string return render_to_string(template, context) def snapshot_icons(snapshot) -> str: cache_key = f'{snapshot.pk}-{(snapshot.updated or snapshot.added).timestamp()}-snapshot-icons' def calc_snapshot_icons(): from core.models import EXTRACTOR_CHOICES # start = datetime.now(timezone.utc) archive_results = snapshot.archiveresult_set.filter(status="succeeded", output__isnull=False) link = snapshot.as_link() path = link.archive_path canon = link.canonical_outputs() output = "" output_template = '{}  ' icons = { "singlefile": "❶", "wget": "🆆", "dom": "🅷", "pdf": "📄", "screenshot": "💻", "media": "📼", "git": "🅶", "archive_org": "🏛", "readability": "🆁", "mercury": "🅼", "warc": "📦" } exclude = ["favicon", "title", "headers", "htmltotext", "archive_org"] # Missing specific entry for WARC extractor_outputs = defaultdict(lambda: None) for extractor, _ in EXTRACTOR_CHOICES: for result in archive_results: if result.extractor == extractor and result: extractor_outputs[extractor] = result for extractor, _ in EXTRACTOR_CHOICES: if extractor not in exclude: existing = extractor_outputs[extractor] and extractor_outputs[extractor].status == 'succeeded' and extractor_outputs[extractor].output # Check filesystsem to see if anything is actually present (too slow, needs optimization/caching) # if existing: # existing = (Path(path) / existing) # if existing.is_file(): # existing = True # elif existing.is_dir(): # existing = any(existing.glob('*.*')) output += format_html(output_template, path, canon[f"{extractor}_path"], str(bool(existing)), extractor, icons.get(extractor, "?")) if extractor == "wget": # warc isn't technically it's own extractor, so we have to add it after wget # get from db (faster but less thurthful) exists = extractor_outputs[extractor] and extractor_outputs[extractor].status == 'succeeded' and extractor_outputs[extractor].output # get from filesystem (slower but more accurate) # exists = list((Path(path) / canon["warc_path"]).glob("*.warc.gz")) output += format_html(output_template, path, canon["warc_path"], str(bool(exists)), "warc", icons.get("warc", "?")) if extractor == "archive_org": # The check for archive_org is different, so it has to be handled separately # get from db (faster) exists = extractor in extractor_outputs and extractor_outputs[extractor] and extractor_outputs[extractor].status == 'succeeded' and extractor_outputs[extractor].output # get from filesystem (slower) # target_path = Path(path) / "archive.org.txt" # exists = target_path.exists() output += '{} '.format(canon["archive_org_path"], str(exists), "archive_org", icons.get("archive_org", "?")) result = format_html('{}', mark_safe(output)) # end = datetime.now(timezone.utc) # print(((end - start).total_seconds()*1000) // 1, 'ms') return result return cache.get_or_set(cache_key, calc_snapshot_icons) # return calc_snapshot_icons()