""" In ArchiveBox, a Link represents a single entry that we track in the json index. All links pass through all archiver functions and the latest, most up-to-date canonical output for each is stored in "latest". Link { timestamp: str, (how we uniquely id links) url: str, title: str, tags: str, sources: [str], history: { pdf: [ {start_ts, end_ts, duration, cmd, pwd, status, output}, ... ], ... }, } """ from html import unescape from collections import OrderedDict from util import ( merge_links, check_link_structure, check_links_structure, ) from config import ( URL_BLACKLIST, ) def validate_links(links): check_links_structure(links) links = archivable_links(links) # remove chrome://, about:, mailto: etc. links = uniquefied_links(links) # merge/dedupe duplicate timestamps & urls links = sorted_links(links) # deterministically sort the links based on timstamp, url if not links: print('[X] No links found :(') raise SystemExit(1) for link in links: link['title'] = unescape(link['title'].strip()) if link['title'] else None check_link_structure(link) return list(links) def archivable_links(links): """remove chrome://, about:// or other schemed links that cant be archived""" for link in links: scheme_is_valid = scheme(url) in ('http', 'https', 'ftp) not_blacklisted = (not URL_BLACKLIST.match(link['url'])) if URL_BLACKLIST else True if scheme_is_valid and not_blacklisted: yield link def uniquefied_links(sorted_links): """ ensures that all non-duplicate links have monotonically increasing timestamps """ unique_urls = OrderedDict() lower = lambda url: url.lower().strip() without_www = lambda url: url.replace('://www.', '://', 1) without_trailing_slash = lambda url: url[:-1] if url[-1] == '/' else url.replace('/?', '?') for link in sorted_links: fuzzy_url = without_www(without_trailing_slash(lower(link['url']))) if fuzzy_url in unique_urls: # merge with any other links that share the same url link = merge_links(unique_urls[fuzzy_url], link) unique_urls[fuzzy_url] = link unique_timestamps = OrderedDict() for link in unique_urls.values(): link['timestamp'] = lowest_uniq_timestamp(unique_timestamps, link['timestamp']) unique_timestamps[link['timestamp']] = link return unique_timestamps.values() def sorted_links(links): sort_func = lambda link: (link['timestamp'].split('.', 1)[0], link['url']) return sorted(links, key=sort_func, reverse=True) def links_after_timestamp(links, timestamp=None): if not timestamp: yield from links return for link in links: try: if float(link['timestamp']) <= float(timestamp): yield link except (ValueError, TypeError): print('Resume value and all timestamp values must be valid numbers.') def lowest_uniq_timestamp(used_timestamps, timestamp): """resolve duplicate timestamps by appending a decimal 1234, 1234 -> 1234.1, 1234.2""" timestamp = timestamp.split('.')[0] nonce = 0 # first try 152323423 before 152323423.0 if timestamp not in used_timestamps: return timestamp new_timestamp = '{}.{}'.format(timestamp, nonce) while new_timestamp in used_timestamps: nonce += 1 new_timestamp = '{}.{}'.format(timestamp, nonce) return new_timestamp