__package__ = 'archivebox.cli' import re import os import sys import time import argparse from datetime import datetime from dataclasses import dataclass from multiprocessing import Process from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Union, IO from ..index.schema import Link, ArchiveResult from ..index.json import to_json from ..index.csv import links_to_csv from ..util import enforce_types from ..config import ( ConfigDict, PYTHON_ENCODING, ANSI, IS_TTY, SHOW_PROGRESS, TERM_WIDTH, OUTPUT_DIR, HTML_INDEX_FILENAME, stderr, ) @dataclass class RuntimeStats: """mutable stats counter for logging archiving timing info to CLI output""" skipped: int = 0 succeeded: int = 0 failed: int = 0 parse_start_ts: Optional[datetime] = None parse_end_ts: Optional[datetime] = None index_start_ts: Optional[datetime] = None index_end_ts: Optional[datetime] = None archiving_start_ts: Optional[datetime] = None archiving_end_ts: Optional[datetime] = None # globals are bad, mmkay _LAST_RUN_STATS = RuntimeStats() class SmartFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter): """Patched formatter that prints newlines in argparse help strings""" def _split_lines(self, text, width): if '\n' in text: return text.splitlines() return argparse.HelpFormatter._split_lines(self, text, width) def reject_stdin(caller: str, stdin: Optional[IO]=sys.stdin) -> None: """Tell the user they passed stdin to a command that doesn't accept it""" if stdin and not stdin.isatty(): stdin_raw_text = stdin.read().strip() if stdin_raw_text: stderr(f'[X] The "{caller}" command does not accept stdin.', color='red') stderr(f' Run archivebox "{caller} --help" to see usage and examples.') stderr() raise SystemExit(1) def accept_stdin(stdin: Optional[IO]=sys.stdin) -> Optional[str]: """accept any standard input and return it as a string or None""" if not stdin: return None elif stdin and not stdin.isatty(): stdin_str = stdin.read().strip() return stdin_str or None return None class TimedProgress: """Show a progress bar and measure elapsed time until .end() is called""" def __init__(self, seconds, prefix=''): if SHOW_PROGRESS: self.p = Process(target=progress_bar, args=(seconds, prefix)) self.p.start() self.stats = {'start_ts': datetime.now(), 'end_ts': None} def end(self): """immediately end progress, clear the progressbar line, and save end_ts""" end_ts = datetime.now() self.stats['end_ts'] = end_ts if SHOW_PROGRESS: # terminate if we havent already terminated if self.p is not None: self.p.terminate() self.p = None # clear whole terminal line try: sys.stdout.write('\r{}{}\r'.format((' ' * TERM_WIDTH()), ANSI['reset'])) except (IOError, BrokenPipeError): # ignore when the parent proc has stopped listening to our stdout pass @enforce_types def progress_bar(seconds: int, prefix: str='') -> None: """show timer in the form of progress bar, with percentage and seconds remaining""" chunk = '█' if PYTHON_ENCODING == 'UTF-8' else '#' chunks = TERM_WIDTH() - len(prefix) - 20 # number of progress chunks to show (aka max bar width) try: for s in range(seconds * chunks): chunks = TERM_WIDTH() - len(prefix) - 20 progress = s / chunks / seconds * 100 bar_width = round(progress/(100/chunks)) # ████████████████████ 0.9% (1/60sec) sys.stdout.write('\r{0}{1}{2}{3} {4}% ({5}/{6}sec)'.format( prefix, ANSI['green'], (chunk * bar_width).ljust(chunks), ANSI['reset'], round(progress, 1), round(s/chunks), seconds, )) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1 / chunks) # ██████████████████████████████████ 100.0% (60/60sec) sys.stdout.write('\r{0}{1}{2}{3} {4}% ({5}/{6}sec)\n'.format( prefix, ANSI['red'], chunk * chunks, ANSI['reset'], 100.0, seconds, seconds, )) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() pass ### Parsing Stage def log_parsing_started(source_file: str): start_ts = datetime.now() _LAST_RUN_STATS.parse_start_ts = start_ts print('\n{green}[*] [{}] Parsing new links from output/sources/{}...{reset}'.format( start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), source_file.rsplit('/', 1)[-1], **ANSI, )) def log_parsing_finished(num_parsed: int, num_new_links: int, parser_name: str): end_ts = datetime.now() _LAST_RUN_STATS.parse_end_ts = end_ts print(' > Parsed {} links as {} ({} new links added)'.format(num_parsed, parser_name, num_new_links)) ### Indexing Stage def log_indexing_process_started(num_links: int): start_ts = datetime.now() _LAST_RUN_STATS.index_start_ts = start_ts print() print('{green}[*] [{}] Writing {} links to main index...{reset}'.format( start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), num_links, **ANSI, )) def log_indexing_process_finished(): end_ts = datetime.now() _LAST_RUN_STATS.index_end_ts = end_ts def log_indexing_started(out_path: str): if IS_TTY: sys.stdout.write(f' > {out_path}') def log_indexing_finished(out_path: str): print(f'\r √ {out_path}') ### Archiving Stage def log_archiving_started(num_links: int, resume: Optional[float]=None): start_ts = datetime.now() _LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_start_ts = start_ts print() if resume: print('{green}[▶] [{}] Resuming archive updating for {} pages starting from {}...{reset}'.format( start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), num_links, resume, **ANSI, )) else: print('{green}[▶] [{}] Updating content for {} matching pages in archive...{reset}'.format( start_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), num_links, **ANSI, )) def log_archiving_paused(num_links: int, idx: int, timestamp: str): end_ts = datetime.now() _LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_end_ts = end_ts print() print('\n{lightyellow}[X] [{now}] Downloading paused on link {timestamp} ({idx}/{total}){reset}'.format( **ANSI, now=end_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), idx=idx+1, timestamp=timestamp, total=num_links, )) print() print(' {lightred}Hint:{reset} To view your archive index, open:'.format(**ANSI)) print(' {}/{}'.format(OUTPUT_DIR, HTML_INDEX_FILENAME)) print(' Continue archiving where you left off by running:') print(' archivebox update --resume={}'.format(timestamp)) def log_archiving_finished(num_links: int): end_ts = datetime.now() _LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_end_ts = end_ts assert _LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_start_ts is not None seconds = end_ts.timestamp() - _LAST_RUN_STATS.archiving_start_ts.timestamp() if seconds > 60: duration = '{0:.2f} min'.format(seconds / 60, 2) else: duration = '{0:.2f} sec'.format(seconds, 2) print() print('{}[√] [{}] Update of {} pages complete ({}){}'.format( ANSI['green'], end_ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), num_links, duration, ANSI['reset'], )) print(' - {} links skipped'.format(_LAST_RUN_STATS.skipped)) print(' - {} links updated'.format(_LAST_RUN_STATS.succeeded)) print(' - {} links had errors'.format(_LAST_RUN_STATS.failed)) print() print(' {lightred}Hint:{reset} To view your archive index, open:'.format(**ANSI)) print(' {}/{}'.format(OUTPUT_DIR, HTML_INDEX_FILENAME)) print(' Or run the built-in webserver:') print(' archivebox server') def log_link_archiving_started(link: Link, link_dir: str, is_new: bool): # [*] [2019-03-22 13:46:45] "Log Structured Merge Trees - ben stopford" # http://www.benstopford.com/2015/02/14/log-structured-merge-trees/ # > output/archive/1478739709 print('\n[{symbol_color}{symbol}{reset}] [{symbol_color}{now}{reset}] "{title}"'.format( symbol_color=ANSI['green' if is_new else 'black'], symbol='+' if is_new else '√', now=datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), title=link.title or link.base_url, **ANSI, )) print(' {blue}{url}{reset}'.format(url=link.url, **ANSI)) print(' {} {}'.format( '>' if is_new else '√', pretty_path(link_dir), )) def log_link_archiving_finished(link: Link, link_dir: str, is_new: bool, stats: dict): total = sum(stats.values()) if stats['failed'] > 0 : _LAST_RUN_STATS.failed += 1 elif stats['skipped'] == total: _LAST_RUN_STATS.skipped += 1 else: _LAST_RUN_STATS.succeeded += 1 def log_archive_method_started(method: str): print(' > {}'.format(method)) def log_archive_method_finished(result: ArchiveResult): """quote the argument with whitespace in a command so the user can copy-paste the outputted string directly to run the cmd """ # Prettify CMD string and make it safe to copy-paste by quoting arguments quoted_cmd = ' '.join( '"{}"'.format(arg) if ' ' in arg else arg for arg in result.cmd ) if result.status == 'failed': # Prettify error output hints string and limit to five lines hints = getattr(result.output, 'hints', None) or () if hints: hints = hints if isinstance(hints, (list, tuple)) else hints.split('\n') hints = ( ' {}{}{}'.format(ANSI['lightyellow'], line.strip(), ANSI['reset']) for line in hints[:5] if line.strip() ) # Collect and prefix output lines with indentation output_lines = [ '{lightred}Failed:{reset}'.format(**ANSI), ' {reset}{} {red}{}{reset}'.format( result.output.__class__.__name__.replace('ArchiveError', ''), result.output, **ANSI, ), *hints, '{}Run to see full output:{}'.format(ANSI['lightred'], ANSI['reset']), *([' cd {};'.format(result.pwd)] if result.pwd else []), ' {}'.format(quoted_cmd), ] print('\n'.join( ' {}'.format(line) for line in output_lines if line )) print() def log_list_started(filter_patterns: Optional[List[str]], filter_type: str): print('{green}[*] Finding links in the archive index matching these {} patterns:{reset}'.format( filter_type, **ANSI, )) print(' {}'.format(' '.join(filter_patterns or ()))) def log_list_finished(links): print() print('---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print(links_to_csv(links, cols=['timestamp', 'is_archived', 'num_outputs', 'url'], header=True, ljust=16, separator=' | ')) print('---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print() def log_removal_started(links: List[Link], yes: bool, delete: bool): print('{lightyellow}[i] Found {} matching URLs to remove.{reset}'.format(len(links), **ANSI)) if delete: file_counts = [link.num_outputs for link in links if os.path.exists(link.link_dir)] print( f' {len(links)} Links will be de-listed from the main index, and their archived content folders will be deleted from disk.\n' f' ({len(file_counts)} data folders with {sum(file_counts)} archived files will be deleted!)' ) else: print( f' Matching links will be de-listed from the main index, but their archived content folders will remain in place on disk.\n' f' (Pass --delete if you also want to permanently delete the data folders)' ) if not yes: print() print('{lightyellow}[?] Do you want to proceed with removing these {} links?{reset}'.format(len(links), **ANSI)) try: assert input(' y/[n]: ').lower() == 'y' except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError, AssertionError): raise SystemExit(0) def log_removal_finished(all_links: int, to_keep: int): if all_links == 0: print() print('{red}[X] No matching links found.{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) else: num_removed = all_links - to_keep print() print('{red}[√] Removed {} out of {} links from the archive index.{reset}'.format( num_removed, all_links, **ANSI, )) print(' Index now contains {} links.'.format(to_keep)) def log_shell_welcome_msg(): from . import list_subcommands print('{green}# ArchiveBox Imports{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print('{green}from archivebox.core.models import Snapshot, User{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) print('{green}from archivebox import *\n {}{reset}'.format("\n ".join(list_subcommands().keys()), **ANSI)) print() print('[i] Welcome to the ArchiveBox Shell!') print(' https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/wiki/Usage#Shell-Usage') print() print(' {lightred}Hint:{reset} Example use:'.format(**ANSI)) print(' print(Snapshot.objects.filter(is_archived=True).count())') print(' Snapshot.objects.get(url="https://example.com").as_json()') print(' add("https://example.com/some/new/url")') ### Helpers @enforce_types def pretty_path(path: str) -> str: """convert paths like .../ArchiveBox/archivebox/../output/abc into output/abc""" pwd = os.path.abspath('.') # parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pwd, os.path.pardir)) return path.replace(pwd + '/', './') @enforce_types def printable_filesize(num_bytes: Union[int, float]) -> str: for count in ['Bytes','KB','MB','GB']: if num_bytes > -1024.0 and num_bytes < 1024.0: return '%3.1f %s' % (num_bytes, count) num_bytes /= 1024.0 return '%3.1f %s' % (num_bytes, 'TB') @enforce_types def printable_folders(folders: Dict[str, Optional[Link]], json: bool=False, csv: Optional[str]=None) -> str: if json: return to_json(folders.values(), indent=4, sort_keys=True) elif csv: return links_to_csv(folders.values(), cols=csv.split(','), header=True) return '\n'.join(f'{folder} {link}' for folder, link in folders.items()) @enforce_types def printable_config(config: ConfigDict, prefix: str='') -> str: return f'\n{prefix}'.join( f'{key}={val}' for key, val in config.items() if not (isinstance(val, dict) or callable(val)) ) @enforce_types def printable_folder_status(name: str, folder: Dict) -> str: if folder['enabled']: if folder['is_valid']: color, symbol, note = 'green', '√', 'valid' else: color, symbol, note, num_files = 'red', 'X', 'invalid', '?' else: color, symbol, note, num_files = 'lightyellow', '-', 'disabled', '-' if folder['path']: if os.path.exists(folder['path']): num_files = ( f'{len(os.listdir(folder["path"]))} files' if os.path.isdir(folder['path']) else printable_filesize(os.path.getsize(folder['path'])) ) else: num_files = 'missing' if ' ' in folder['path']: folder['path'] = f'"{folder["path"]}"' return ' '.join(( ANSI[color], symbol, ANSI['reset'], name.ljust(22), (folder["path"] or '').ljust(76), num_files.ljust(14), ANSI[color], note, ANSI['reset'], )) @enforce_types def printable_dependency_version(name: str, dependency: Dict) -> str: if dependency['enabled']: if dependency['is_valid']: color, symbol, note, version = 'green', '√', 'valid', '' parsed_version_num = re.search(r'[\d\.]+', dependency['version']) if parsed_version_num: version = f'v{parsed_version_num[0]}' if not version: color, symbol, note, version = 'red', 'X', 'invalid', '?' else: color, symbol, note, version = 'lightyellow', '-', 'disabled', '-' if ' ' in dependency["path"]: dependency["path"] = f'"{dependency["path"]}"' return ' '.join(( ANSI[color], symbol, ANSI['reset'], name.ljust(22), (dependency["path"] or '').ljust(76), version.ljust(14), ANSI[color], note, ANSI['reset'], ))