import os from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime from index import ( write_link_index, patch_links_index, load_json_link_index, ) from config import ( CURL_BINARY, GIT_BINARY, WGET_BINARY, YOUTUBEDL_BINARY, FETCH_FAVICON, FETCH_TITLE, FETCH_WGET, FETCH_WGET_REQUISITES, FETCH_PDF, FETCH_SCREENSHOT, FETCH_DOM, FETCH_WARC, FETCH_GIT, FETCH_MEDIA, SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG, TIMEOUT, MEDIA_TIMEOUT, ANSI, OUTPUT_DIR, GIT_DOMAINS, GIT_SHA, WGET_USER_AGENT, CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY, COOKIES_FILE, ) from util import ( domain, extension, without_query, without_fragment, fetch_page_title, is_static_file, TimedProgress, chmod_file, wget_output_path, chrome_args, check_link_structure, run, PIPE, DEVNULL ) from logs import ( log_link_archiving_started, log_link_archiving_finished, log_archive_method_started, log_archive_method_finished, ) class ArchiveError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, hints=None): super().__init__(message) self.hints = hints def archive_link(link_dir, link): """download the DOM, PDF, and a screenshot into a folder named after the link's timestamp""" ARCHIVE_METHODS = ( ('title', should_fetch_title, fetch_title), ('favicon', should_fetch_favicon, fetch_favicon), ('wget', should_fetch_wget, fetch_wget), ('pdf', should_fetch_pdf, fetch_pdf), ('screenshot', should_fetch_screenshot, fetch_screenshot), ('dom', should_fetch_dom, fetch_dom), ('git', should_fetch_git, fetch_git), ('media', should_fetch_media, fetch_media), ('archive_org', should_fetch_archive_dot_org, archive_dot_org), ) try: is_new = not os.path.exists(link_dir) if is_new: os.makedirs(link_dir) link = load_json_link_index(link_dir, link) log_link_archiving_started(link_dir, link, is_new) skipped_entirely = True for method_name, should_run, method_function in ARCHIVE_METHODS: if method_name not in link['history']: link['history'][method_name] = [] if should_run(link_dir, link): if skipped_entirely: skipped_entirely = False print() else: continue log_archive_method_started(method_name) result = method_function(link_dir, link) log_archive_method_finished(result) link['history'][method_name].append(result) write_link_index(link_dir, link) patch_links_index(link) log_link_archiving_finished(link_dir, link, is_new, skipped_entirely) except Exception as err: print(' ! Failed to archive link: {}: {}'.format(err.__class__.__name__, err)) raise return link ### Archive Method Functions def should_fetch_title(link_dir, link): # if link already has valid title, skip it if link['title'] and not link['title'].lower().startswith('http'): return False if is_static_file(link['url']): return False return FETCH_TITLE def fetch_title(link_dir, link, timeout=TIMEOUT): """try to guess the page's title from its content""" output = None cmd = [ CURL_BINARY, link['url'], '|', 'grep', '', ] status = 'succeeded' timer = TimedProgress(timeout, prefix=' ') try: output = fetch_page_title(link['url'], timeout=timeout, progress=False) if not output: raise ArchiveError('Unable to detect page title') except Exception as err: status = 'failed' output = err finally: timer.end() return { 'cmd': cmd, 'pwd': link_dir, 'output': output, 'status': status, **timer.stats, } def should_fetch_favicon(link_dir, link): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(link_dir, 'favicon.ico')): return False return FETCH_FAVICON def fetch_favicon(link_dir, link, timeout=TIMEOUT): """download site favicon from google's favicon api""" output = 'favicon.ico' cmd = [ CURL_BINARY, '--max-time', str(timeout), '--location', '--output', output, *(() if CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY else ('--insecure',)), '{}'.format(domain(link['url'])), ] status = 'succeeded' timer = TimedProgress(timeout, prefix=' ') try: run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=link_dir, timeout=timeout) chmod_file(output, cwd=link_dir) except Exception as err: status = 'failed' output = err finally: timer.end() return { 'cmd': cmd, 'pwd': link_dir, 'output': output, 'status': status, **timer.stats, } def should_fetch_wget(link_dir, link): output_path = wget_output_path(link) if output_path and os.path.exists(os.path.join(link_dir, output_path)): return False return FETCH_WGET def fetch_wget(link_dir, link, timeout=TIMEOUT): """download full site using wget""" if FETCH_WARC: warc_dir = os.path.join(link_dir, 'warc') os.makedirs(warc_dir, exist_ok=True) warc_path = os.path.join('warc', str(int( # WGET CLI Docs: output = None cmd = [ WGET_BINARY, # '--server-response', # print headers for better error parsing '--no-verbose', '--adjust-extension', '--convert-links', '--force-directories', '--backup-converted', '--span-hosts', '--no-parent', '-e', 'robots=off', '--restrict-file-names=unix', '--timeout={}'.format(timeout), *(() if FETCH_WARC else ('--timestamping',)), *(('--warc-file={}'.format(warc_path),) if FETCH_WARC else ()), *(('--page-requisites',) if FETCH_WGET_REQUISITES else ()), *(('--user-agent={}'.format(WGET_USER_AGENT),) if WGET_USER_AGENT else ()), *(('--load-cookies', COOKIES_FILE) if COOKIES_FILE else ()), *((() if CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY else ('--no-check-certificate', '--no-hsts'))), link['url'], ] status = 'succeeded' timer = TimedProgress(timeout, prefix=' ') try: result = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=link_dir, timeout=timeout) output = wget_output_path(link) # parse out number of files downloaded from last line of stderr: # "Downloaded: 76 files, 4.0M in 1.6s (2.52 MB/s)" output_tail = [ line.strip() for line in (result.stdout + result.stderr).decode().rsplit('\n', 3)[-3:] if line.strip() ] files_downloaded = ( int(output_tail[-1].strip().split(' ', 2)[1] or 0) if 'Downloaded:' in output_tail[-1] else 0 ) # Check for common failure cases if result.returncode > 0 and files_downloaded < 1: hints = ( 'Got wget response code: {}.'.format(result.returncode), *output_tail, ) if b'403: Forbidden' in result.stderr: raise ArchiveError('403 Forbidden (try changing WGET_USER_AGENT)', hints) if b'404: Not Found' in result.stderr: raise ArchiveError('404 Not Found', hints) if b'ERROR 500: Internal Server Error' in result.stderr: raise ArchiveError('500 Internal Server Error', hints) raise ArchiveError('Got an error from the server', hints) except Exception as err: status = 'failed' output = err finally: timer.end() return { 'cmd': cmd, 'pwd': link_dir, 'output': output, 'status': status, **timer.stats, } def should_fetch_pdf(link_dir, link): if is_static_file(link['url']): return False if os.path.exists(os.path.join(link_dir, 'output.pdf')): return False return FETCH_PDF def fetch_pdf(link_dir, link, timeout=TIMEOUT): """print PDF of site to file using chrome --headless""" output = 'output.pdf' cmd = [ *chrome_args(TIMEOUT=timeout), '--print-to-pdf', link['url'], ] status = 'succeeded' timer = TimedProgress(timeout, prefix=' ') try: result = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=link_dir, timeout=timeout) if result.returncode: hints = (result.stderr or result.stdout).decode() raise ArchiveError('Failed to print PDF', hints) chmod_file('output.pdf', cwd=link_dir) except Exception as err: status = 'failed' output = err finally: timer.end() return { 'cmd': cmd, 'pwd': link_dir, 'output': output, 'status': status, **timer.stats, } def should_fetch_screenshot(link_dir, link): if is_static_file(link['url']): return False if os.path.exists(os.path.join(link_dir, 'screenshot.png')): return False return FETCH_SCREENSHOT def fetch_screenshot(link_dir, link, timeout=TIMEOUT): """take screenshot of site using chrome --headless""" output = 'screenshot.png' cmd = [ *chrome_args(TIMEOUT=timeout), '--screenshot', link['url'], ] status = 'succeeded' timer = TimedProgress(timeout, prefix=' ') try: result = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=link_dir, timeout=timeout) if result.returncode: hints = (result.stderr or result.stdout).decode() raise ArchiveError('Failed to take screenshot', hints) chmod_file(output, cwd=link_dir) except Exception as err: status = 'failed' output = err finally: timer.end() return { 'cmd': cmd, 'pwd': link_dir, 'output': output, 'status': status, **timer.stats, } def should_fetch_dom(link_dir, link): if is_static_file(link['url']): return False if os.path.exists(os.path.join(link_dir, 'output.html')): return False return FETCH_DOM def fetch_dom(link_dir, link, timeout=TIMEOUT): """print HTML of site to file using chrome --dump-html""" output = 'output.html' output_path = os.path.join(link_dir, output) cmd = [ *chrome_args(TIMEOUT=timeout), '--dump-dom', link['url'] ] status = 'succeeded' timer = TimedProgress(timeout, prefix=' ') try: with open(output_path, 'w+') as f: result = run(cmd, stdout=f, stderr=PIPE, cwd=link_dir, timeout=timeout) if result.returncode: hints = result.stderr.decode() raise ArchiveError('Failed to fetch DOM', hints) chmod_file(output, cwd=link_dir) except Exception as err: status = 'failed' output = err finally: timer.end() return { 'cmd': cmd, 'pwd': link_dir, 'output': output, 'status': status, **timer.stats, } def should_fetch_git(link_dir, link): if is_static_file(link['url']): return False if os.path.exists(os.path.join(link_dir, 'git')): return False is_clonable_url = ( (domain(link['url']) in GIT_DOMAINS) or (extension(link['url']) == 'git') ) if not is_clonable_url: return False return FETCH_GIT def fetch_git(link_dir, link, timeout=TIMEOUT): """download full site using git""" output = 'git' output_path = os.path.join(link_dir, 'git') os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True) cmd = [ GIT_BINARY, 'clone', '--mirror', '--recursive', *(() if CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY else ('-c', 'http.sslVerify=false')), without_query(without_fragment(link['url'])), ] status = 'succeeded' timer = TimedProgress(timeout, prefix=' ') try: result = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=output_path, timeout=timeout + 1) if result.returncode == 128: # ignore failed re-download when the folder already exists pass elif result.returncode > 0: hints = 'Got git response code: {}.'.format(result.returncode) raise ArchiveError('Failed git download', hints) except Exception as err: status = 'failed' output = err finally: timer.end() return { 'cmd': cmd, 'pwd': link_dir, 'output': output, 'status': status, **timer.stats, } def should_fetch_media(link_dir, link): if is_static_file(link['url']): return False if os.path.exists(os.path.join(link_dir, 'media')): return False return FETCH_MEDIA def fetch_media(link_dir, link, timeout=MEDIA_TIMEOUT): """Download playlists or individual video, audio, and subtitles using youtube-dl""" output = 'media' output_path = os.path.join(link_dir, 'media') os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True) cmd = [ YOUTUBEDL_BINARY, '--write-description', '--write-info-json', '--write-annotations', '--yes-playlist', '--write-thumbnail', '--no-call-home', '--no-check-certificate', '--user-agent', '--all-subs', '--extract-audio', '--keep-video', '--ignore-errors', '--geo-bypass', '--audio-format', 'mp3', '--audio-quality', '320K', '--embed-thumbnail', '--add-metadata', *(() if CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY else ('--no-check-certificate',)), link['url'], ] status = 'succeeded' timer = TimedProgress(timeout, prefix=' ') try: result = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=output_path, timeout=timeout + 1) chmod_file(output, cwd=link_dir) if result.returncode: if (b'ERROR: Unsupported URL' in result.stderr or b'HTTP Error 404' in result.stderr or b'HTTP Error 403' in result.stderr or b'URL could be a direct video link' in result.stderr or b'Unable to extract container ID' in result.stderr): # These happen too frequently on non-media pages to warrant printing to console pass else: hints = ( 'Got youtube-dl response code: {}.'.format(result.returncode), *result.stderr.decode().split('\n'), ) raise ArchiveError('Failed to download media', hints) except Exception as err: status = 'failed' output = err finally: timer.end() return { 'cmd': cmd, 'pwd': link_dir, 'output': output, 'status': status, **timer.stats, } def should_fetch_archive_dot_org(link_dir, link): if is_static_file(link['url']): return False if os.path.exists(os.path.join(link_dir, '')): # if open(path, 'r').read().strip() != 'None': return False return SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG def archive_dot_org(link_dir, link, timeout=TIMEOUT): """submit site to for archiving via their service, save returned archive url""" output = '' archive_org_url = None submit_url = '{}'.format(link['url']) cmd = [ CURL_BINARY, '--location', '--head', '--user-agent', 'ArchiveBox/{} (+'.format(GIT_SHA), # be nice to the people and show them where all this ArchiveBox traffic is coming from '--max-time', str(timeout), *(() if CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY else ('--insecure',)), submit_url, ] status = 'succeeded' timer = TimedProgress(timeout, prefix=' ') try: result = run(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL, cwd=link_dir, timeout=timeout) content_location, errors = parse_archive_dot_org_response(result.stdout) if content_location: archive_org_url = '{}'.format(content_location[0]) elif len(errors) == 1 and 'RobotAccessControlException' in errors[0]: archive_org_url = None # raise ArchiveError(' denied by {}/robots.txt'.format(domain(link['url']))) elif errors: raise ArchiveError(', '.join(errors)) else: raise ArchiveError('Failed to find "content-location" URL header in response.') except Exception as err: status = 'failed' output = err finally: timer.end() if not isinstance(output, Exception): # instead of writing None when rejects the url write the # url to resubmit it to This is so when the user visits # the URL in person, it will attempt to re-archive it, and it'll show the # nicer error message explaining why the url was rejected if it fails. archive_org_url = archive_org_url or submit_url with open(os.path.join(link_dir, output), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(archive_org_url) chmod_file('', cwd=link_dir) output = archive_org_url return { 'cmd': cmd, 'pwd': link_dir, 'output': output, 'status': status, **timer.stats, } def parse_archive_dot_org_response(response): # Parse response headers headers = defaultdict(list) # lowercase all the header names and store in dict for header in response.splitlines(): if b':' not in header or not header.strip(): continue name, val = header.decode().split(':', 1) headers[name.lower().strip()].append(val.strip()) # Get successful archive url in "content-location" header or any errors content_location = headers['content-location'] errors = headers['x-archive-wayback-runtime-error'] return content_location, errors