{% extends "admin/base_site.html" %} {% load i18n static %} {% block extrastyle %}{{ block.super }} {{ form.media }} {% endblock %} {% block bodyclass %}{{ block.super }} login{% endblock %} {% block branding %}

ArchiveBox Admin

{% endblock %} {% block usertools %}
Back to Main Index {% endblock %} {% block nav-global %}{% endblock %} {% block content_title %}
Log in to add, edit, and remove links from your archive.

{% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbs %}{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if form.errors and not form.non_field_errors %}

{% if form.errors.items|length == 1 %}{% trans "Please correct the error below." %}{% else %}{% trans "Please correct the errors below." %}{% endif %}

{% endif %} {% if form.non_field_errors %} {% for error in form.non_field_errors %}

{{ error }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %}

{% blocktrans trimmed %} You are authenticated as {{ username }}, but are not authorized to access this page. Would you like to login to a different account? {% endblocktrans %}

{% endif %}
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.username.errors }} {{ form.username.label_tag }} {{ form.username }}
{{ form.password.errors }} {{ form.password.label_tag }} {{ form.password }}
{% url 'admin_password_reset' as password_reset_url %} {% if password_reset_url %} {% endif %}

If you forgot your password, reset it here or run:
archivebox manage changepassword USERNAME

To create a new admin user, run the following:
archivebox manage createsuperuser

(cd into your archive folder before running commands)
{% endblock %}