import codecs from typing import List, Generator import sqlite3 from archivebox.util import enforce_types from archivebox.config import ( FTS_SEPARATE_DATABASE, FTS_TOKENIZERS, FTS_SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH ) FTS_TABLE = "snapshot_fts" FTS_ID_TABLE = "snapshot_id_fts" FTS_COLUMN = "texts" if FTS_SEPARATE_DATABASE: database = sqlite3.connect("search.sqlite3") # Make get_connection callable, because `django.db.connection.cursor()` # has to be called to get a context manager, but sqlite3.Connection # is a context manager without being called. def get_connection(): return database SQLITE_BIND = "?" else: from django.db import connection as database # type: ignore[no-redef, assignment] get_connection = database.cursor SQLITE_BIND = "%s" # Only Python >= 3.11 supports sqlite3.Connection.getlimit(), # so fall back to the default if the API to get the real value isn't present try: limit_id = sqlite3.SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH try: with database.temporary_connection() as cursor: # type: ignore[attr-defined] SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH = cursor.connection.getlimit(limit_id) except AttributeError: SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH = database.getlimit(limit_id) except AttributeError: SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH = FTS_SQLITE_MAX_LENGTH def _escape_sqlite3(value: str, *, quote: str, errors='strict') -> str: assert isinstance(quote, str), "quote is not a str" assert len(quote) == 1, "quote must be a single character" encodable = value.encode('utf-8', errors).decode('utf-8') nul_index = encodable.find("\x00") if nul_index >= 0: error = UnicodeEncodeError("NUL-terminated utf-8", encodable, nul_index, nul_index + 1, "NUL not allowed") error_handler = codecs.lookup_error(errors) replacement, _ = error_handler(error) assert isinstance(replacement, str), "handling a UnicodeEncodeError should return a str replacement" encodable = encodable.replace("\x00", replacement) return quote + encodable.replace(quote, quote * 2) + quote def _escape_sqlite3_value(value: str, errors='strict') -> str: return _escape_sqlite3(value, quote="'", errors=errors) def _escape_sqlite3_identifier(value: str) -> str: return _escape_sqlite3(value, quote='"', errors='strict') @enforce_types def _create_tables(): table = _escape_sqlite3_identifier(FTS_TABLE) # Escape as value, because fts5() expects # string literal column names column = _escape_sqlite3_value(FTS_COLUMN) id_table = _escape_sqlite3_identifier(FTS_ID_TABLE) tokenizers = _escape_sqlite3_value(FTS_TOKENIZERS) trigger_name = _escape_sqlite3_identifier(f"{FTS_ID_TABLE}_ad") with get_connection() as cursor: # Create a contentless-delete FTS5 table that indexes # but does not store the texts of snapshots cursor.execute( f"CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE {table}" f" USING fts5({column}," f" tokenize={tokenizers}," " content='', contentless_delete=1);" ) # Create a one-to-one mapping between ArchiveBox snapshot_id # and FTS5 rowid, because the column type of rowid can't be # customized. cursor.execute( f"CREATE TABLE {id_table}(" " rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," " snapshot_id char(32) NOT NULL UNIQUE" ");" ) # Create a trigger to delete items from the FTS5 index when # the snapshot_id is deleted from the mapping, to maintain # consistency and make the `flush()` query simpler. cursor.execute( f"CREATE TRIGGER {trigger_name}" f" AFTER DELETE ON {id_table} BEGIN" f" DELETE FROM {table} WHERE rowid=old.rowid;" " END;" ) def _handle_query_exception(exc: Exception): message = str(exc) if message.startswith("no such table:"): raise RuntimeError( "SQLite full-text search index has not yet" " been created; run `archivebox update --index-only`." ) else: raise exc @enforce_types def index(snapshot_id: str, texts: List[str]): text = ' '.join(texts)[:SQLITE_LIMIT_LENGTH] table = _escape_sqlite3_identifier(FTS_TABLE) column = _escape_sqlite3_identifier(FTS_COLUMN) id_table = _escape_sqlite3_identifier(FTS_ID_TABLE) with get_connection() as cursor: retries = 2 while retries > 0: retries -= 1 try: # If there is already an FTS index rowid to snapshot_id mapping, # then don't insert a new one, silently ignoring the operation. # {id_table}.rowid is AUTOINCREMENT, so will generate an unused # rowid for the index if it is an unindexed snapshot_id. cursor.execute( f"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO {id_table}(snapshot_id) VALUES({SQLITE_BIND})", [snapshot_id]) # Fetch the FTS index rowid for the given snapshot_id id_res = cursor.execute( f"SELECT rowid FROM {id_table} WHERE snapshot_id = {SQLITE_BIND}", [snapshot_id]) rowid = id_res.fetchone()[0] # (Re-)index the content cursor.execute( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO" f" {table}(rowid, {column}) VALUES ({SQLITE_BIND}, {SQLITE_BIND})", [rowid, text]) # All statements succeeded; return return except Exception as e: if str(e).startswith("no such table:") and retries > 0: _create_tables() else: raise raise RuntimeError("Failed to create tables for SQLite FTS5 search") @enforce_types def search(text: str) -> List[str]: table = _escape_sqlite3_identifier(FTS_TABLE) id_table = _escape_sqlite3_identifier(FTS_ID_TABLE) with get_connection() as cursor: try: res = cursor.execute( f"SELECT snapshot_id FROM {table}" f" INNER JOIN {id_table}" f" ON {id_table}.rowid = {table}.rowid" f" WHERE {table} MATCH {SQLITE_BIND}", [text]) except Exception as e: _handle_query_exception(e) snap_ids = [row[0] for row in res.fetchall()] return snap_ids @enforce_types def flush(snapshot_ids: Generator[str, None, None]): snapshot_ids = list(snapshot_ids) # type: ignore[assignment] id_table = _escape_sqlite3_identifier(FTS_ID_TABLE) with get_connection() as cursor: try: cursor.executemany( f"DELETE FROM {id_table} WHERE snapshot_id={SQLITE_BIND}", [snapshot_ids]) except Exception as e: _handle_query_exception(e)