__package__ = 'archivebox.parsers' __description__ = 'Plain Text' from typing import IO, Iterable from datetime import datetime, timezone from pathlib import Path from ..index.schema import Link from ..util import ( htmldecode, enforce_types, find_all_urls, ) @enforce_types def parse_generic_txt_export(text_file: IO[str], **_kwargs) -> Iterable[Link]: """Parse links from a text file, ignoring other text""" text_file.seek(0) for line in text_file.readlines(): if not line.strip(): continue # if the line is a local file path that resolves, then we can archive it try: if Path(line).exists(): yield Link( url=line, timestamp=str(datetime.now(timezone.utc).timestamp()), title=None, tags=None, sources=[text_file.name], ) except (OSError, PermissionError): # nvm, not a valid path... pass # otherwise look for anything that looks like a URL in the line for url in find_all_urls(line): yield Link( url=htmldecode(url), timestamp=str(datetime.now(timezone.utc).timestamp()), title=None, tags=None, sources=[text_file.name], ) KEY = 'txt' NAME = 'Generic TXT' PARSER = parse_generic_txt_export