__package__ = 'archivebox.legacy' import os import io import re import sys import django import getpass import shutil from hashlib import md5 from typing import Optional from subprocess import run, PIPE, DEVNULL # ****************************************************************************** # Documentation: https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/wiki/Configuration # Use the 'env' command to pass config options to ArchiveBox. e.g.: # env USE_COLOR=True CHROME_BINARY=chromium archivebox add < example.html # ****************************************************************************** IS_TTY = sys.stdout.isatty() USE_COLOR = os.getenv('USE_COLOR', str(IS_TTY) ).lower() == 'true' SHOW_PROGRESS = os.getenv('SHOW_PROGRESS', str(IS_TTY) ).lower() == 'true' OUTPUT_DIR = os.getenv('OUTPUT_DIR', '') ONLY_NEW = os.getenv('ONLY_NEW', 'False' ).lower() == 'true' TIMEOUT = int(os.getenv('TIMEOUT', '60')) MEDIA_TIMEOUT = int(os.getenv('MEDIA_TIMEOUT', '3600')) OUTPUT_PERMISSIONS = os.getenv('OUTPUT_PERMISSIONS', '755' ) FOOTER_INFO = os.getenv('FOOTER_INFO', 'Content is hosted for personal archiving purposes only. Contact server owner for any takedown requests.',) URL_BLACKLIST = os.getenv('URL_BLACKLIST', None) FETCH_WGET = os.getenv('FETCH_WGET', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_WGET_REQUISITES = os.getenv('FETCH_WGET_REQUISITES', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_PDF = os.getenv('FETCH_PDF', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_SCREENSHOT = os.getenv('FETCH_SCREENSHOT', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_DOM = os.getenv('FETCH_DOM', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_WARC = os.getenv('FETCH_WARC', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_GIT = os.getenv('FETCH_GIT', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_MEDIA = os.getenv('FETCH_MEDIA', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_FAVICON = os.getenv('FETCH_FAVICON', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' FETCH_TITLE = os.getenv('FETCH_TITLE', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG = os.getenv('SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY = os.getenv('CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' RESOLUTION = os.getenv('RESOLUTION', '1440,2000' ) GIT_DOMAINS = os.getenv('GIT_DOMAINS', 'github.com,bitbucket.org,gitlab.com').split(',') WGET_USER_AGENT = os.getenv('WGET_USER_AGENT', 'ArchiveBox/{VERSION} (+https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/) wget/{WGET_VERSION}') COOKIES_FILE = os.getenv('COOKIES_FILE', None) CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR = os.getenv('CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR', None) CHROME_HEADLESS = os.getenv('CHROME_HEADLESS', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' CHROME_USER_AGENT = os.getenv('CHROME_USER_AGENT', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.75 Safari/537.36') CHROME_SANDBOX = os.getenv('CHROME_SANDBOX', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' USE_CURL = os.getenv('USE_CURL', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' USE_WGET = os.getenv('USE_WGET', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' USE_CHROME = os.getenv('USE_CHROME', 'True' ).lower() == 'true' CURL_BINARY = os.getenv('CURL_BINARY', 'curl') GIT_BINARY = os.getenv('GIT_BINARY', 'git') WGET_BINARY = os.getenv('WGET_BINARY', 'wget') YOUTUBEDL_BINARY = os.getenv('YOUTUBEDL_BINARY', 'youtube-dl') CHROME_BINARY = os.getenv('CHROME_BINARY', None) # ****************************************************************************** ### Terminal Configuration TERM_WIDTH = lambda: shutil.get_terminal_size((100, 10)).columns ANSI = { 'reset': '\033[00;00m', 'lightblue': '\033[01;30m', 'lightyellow': '\033[01;33m', 'lightred': '\033[01;35m', 'red': '\033[01;31m', 'green': '\033[01;32m', 'blue': '\033[01;34m', 'white': '\033[01;37m', 'black': '\033[01;30m', } if not USE_COLOR: # dont show colors if USE_COLOR is False ANSI = {k: '' for k in ANSI.keys()} def stderr(*args): sys.stderr.write(' '.join(str(a) for a in args) + '\n') USER = getpass.getuser() or os.getlogin() ARCHIVEBOX_BINARY = sys.argv[0] REPO_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..')) if OUTPUT_DIR: OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(OUTPUT_DIR)) else: OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) SQL_INDEX_FILENAME = 'index.sqlite3' JSON_INDEX_FILENAME = 'index.json' HTML_INDEX_FILENAME = 'index.html' ARCHIVE_DIR_NAME = 'archive' SOURCES_DIR_NAME = 'sources' LOGS_DIR_NAME = 'logs' ARCHIVE_DIR = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, ARCHIVE_DIR_NAME) SOURCES_DIR = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, SOURCES_DIR_NAME) LOGS_DIR = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, LOGS_DIR_NAME) PYTHON_DIR = os.path.join(REPO_DIR, 'archivebox') LEGACY_DIR = os.path.join(PYTHON_DIR, 'legacy') TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.join(LEGACY_DIR, 'templates') if COOKIES_FILE: COOKIES_FILE = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(COOKIES_FILE)) if CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR: CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR)) URL_BLACKLIST_PTN = re.compile(URL_BLACKLIST, re.IGNORECASE) if URL_BLACKLIST else None ########################### Environment & Dependencies ######################### VERSION = open(os.path.join(REPO_DIR, 'VERSION'), 'r').read().strip() GIT_SHA = VERSION.split('+')[-1] or 'unknown' HAS_INVALID_DEPENDENCIES = False ### Check system environment if USER == 'root': stderr('{red}[!] ArchiveBox should never be run as root!{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) stderr(' For more information, see the security overview documentation:') stderr(' https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/wiki/Security-Overview#do-not-run-as-root') raise SystemExit(1) ### Check Python environment PYTHON_BINARY = sys.executable PYTHON_VERSION = '{}.{}'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) if float(PYTHON_VERSION) < 3.6: stderr('{}[X] Python version is not new enough: {} (>3.6 is required){}'.format(ANSI['red'], PYTHON_VERSION, ANSI['reset'])) stderr(' See https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/wiki/Troubleshooting#python for help upgrading your Python installation.') raise SystemExit(1) if sys.stdout.encoding.upper() not in ('UTF-8', 'UTF8'): stderr('[X] Your system is running python3 scripts with a bad locale setting: {} (it should be UTF-8).'.format(sys.stdout.encoding)) stderr(' To fix it, add the line "export PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8" to your ~/.bashrc file (without quotes)') stderr(' Or if you\'re using ubuntu/debian, run "dpkg-reconfigure locales"') stderr('') stderr(' Confirm that it\'s fixed by opening a new shell and running:') stderr(' python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.stdout.encoding)" # should output UTF-8') stderr('') stderr(' Alternatively, run this script with:') stderr(' env PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 ./archive.py export.html') raise SystemExit(1) # ****************************************************************************** # ***************************** Helper Functions ******************************* # ****************************************************************************** def bin_version(binary: str) -> Optional[str]: """check the presence and return valid version line of a specified binary""" global HAS_INVALID_DEPENDENCIES binary = os.path.expanduser(binary) try: if not shutil.which(binary): raise Exception version_str = run([binary, "--version"], stdout=PIPE, cwd=REPO_DIR).stdout.strip().decode() # take first 3 columns of first line of version info return ' '.join(version_str.split('\n')[0].strip().split()[:3]) except Exception: HAS_INVALID_DEPENDENCIES = True stderr('{red}[X] Unable to find working version of dependency: {}{reset}'.format(binary, **ANSI)) stderr(' Make sure it\'s installed, then confirm it\'s working by running:') stderr(' {} --version'.format(binary)) stderr() stderr(' If you don\'t want to install it, you can disable it via config. See here for more info:') stderr(' https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/wiki/Install') stderr() return None def bin_hash(binary: str) -> Optional[str]: bin_path = binary and shutil.which(os.path.expanduser(binary)) if not bin_path: return None file_hash = md5() with io.open(bin_path, mode='rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE), b''): file_hash.update(chunk) return f'md5:{file_hash.hexdigest()}' def find_chrome_binary() -> Optional[str]: """find any installed chrome binaries in the default locations""" # Precedence: Chromium, Chrome, Beta, Canary, Unstable, Dev # make sure data dir finding precedence order always matches binary finding order default_executable_paths = ( 'chromium-browser', 'chromium', '/Applications/Chromium.app/Contents/MacOS/Chromium', 'google-chrome', '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome', 'google-chrome-stable', 'google-chrome-beta', 'google-chrome-canary', '/Applications/Google Chrome Canary.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome Canary', 'google-chrome-unstable', 'google-chrome-dev', ) for name in default_executable_paths: full_path_exists = shutil.which(name) if full_path_exists: return name stderr('{red}[X] Unable to find a working version of Chrome/Chromium, is it installed and in your $PATH?'.format(**ANSI)) stderr() return None def find_chrome_data_dir() -> Optional[str]: """find any installed chrome user data directories in the default locations""" # Precedence: Chromium, Chrome, Beta, Canary, Unstable, Dev # make sure data dir finding precedence order always matches binary finding order default_profile_paths = ( '~/.config/chromium', '~/Library/Application Support/Chromium', '~/AppData/Local/Chromium/User Data', '~/.config/google-chrome', '~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome', '~/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data', '~/.config/google-chrome-stable', '~/.config/google-chrome-beta', '~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome Canary', '~/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome SxS/User Data', '~/.config/google-chrome-unstable', '~/.config/google-chrome-dev', ) for path in default_profile_paths: full_path = os.path.expanduser(path) if os.path.exists(full_path): return full_path return None def setup_django(out_dir: str=OUTPUT_DIR, check_db=False): import django sys.path.append(PYTHON_DIR) os.environ.setdefault('OUTPUT_DIR', out_dir) os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'core.settings') django.setup() if check_db: assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(out_dir, SQL_INDEX_FILENAME)), ( f'No database file {SQL_INDEX_FILENAME} found in OUTPUT_DIR: {out_dir}') # ****************************************************************************** # ************************ Environment & Dependencies ************************** # ****************************************************************************** try: ### Get Django version DJANGO_BINARY = django.__file__.replace('__init__.py', 'bin/django-admin.py') DJANGO_VERSION = '{}.{}.{} {} ({})'.format(*django.VERSION) ### Make sure curl is installed if USE_CURL: USE_CURL = FETCH_FAVICON or SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG else: FETCH_FAVICON = SUBMIT_ARCHIVE_DOT_ORG = False CURL_VERSION = None if USE_CURL: CURL_VERSION = bin_version(CURL_BINARY) ### Make sure wget is installed and calculate version if USE_WGET: USE_WGET = FETCH_WGET or FETCH_WARC else: FETCH_WGET = FETCH_WARC = False WGET_VERSION = None WGET_AUTO_COMPRESSION = False if USE_WGET: WGET_VERSION = bin_version(WGET_BINARY) WGET_AUTO_COMPRESSION = not run([WGET_BINARY, "--compression=auto", "--help"], stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL).returncode WGET_USER_AGENT = WGET_USER_AGENT.format( VERSION=VERSION, WGET_VERSION=WGET_VERSION or '', ) ### Make sure git is installed GIT_VERSION = None if FETCH_GIT: GIT_VERSION = bin_version(GIT_BINARY) ### Make sure youtube-dl is installed YOUTUBEDL_VERSION = None if FETCH_MEDIA: YOUTUBEDL_VERSION = bin_version(YOUTUBEDL_BINARY) ### Make sure chrome is installed and calculate version if USE_CHROME: USE_CHROME = FETCH_PDF or FETCH_SCREENSHOT or FETCH_DOM else: FETCH_PDF = FETCH_SCREENSHOT = FETCH_DOM = False if not CHROME_BINARY: CHROME_BINARY = find_chrome_binary() or 'chromium-browser' CHROME_VERSION = None if USE_CHROME: if CHROME_BINARY: CHROME_VERSION = bin_version(CHROME_BINARY) # stderr('[i] Using Chrome binary: {}'.format(shutil.which(CHROME_BINARY) or CHROME_BINARY)) if CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR is None: CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR = find_chrome_data_dir() elif CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR == '': CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR = None else: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR, 'Default')): stderr('{red}[X] Could not find profile "Default" in CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR:{reset} {}'.format(CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR, **ANSI)) stderr(' Make sure you set it to a Chrome user data directory containing a Default profile folder.') stderr(' For more info see:') stderr(' https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/wiki/Configuration#CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR') if 'Default' in CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR: stderr() stderr(' Try removing /Default from the end e.g.:') stderr(' CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR="{}"'.format(CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR.split('/Default')[0])) raise SystemExit(1) # stderr('[i] Using Chrome data dir: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR))) ### Summary Lookup Dicts FOLDERS = { 'REPO_DIR': { 'path': os.path.abspath(REPO_DIR), 'enabled': True, 'is_valid': os.path.exists(os.path.join(REPO_DIR, '.github')), }, 'PYTHON_DIR': { 'path': os.path.abspath(PYTHON_DIR), 'enabled': True, 'is_valid': os.path.exists(os.path.join(PYTHON_DIR, '__main__.py')), }, 'LEGACY_DIR': { 'path': os.path.abspath(LEGACY_DIR), 'enabled': True, 'is_valid': os.path.exists(os.path.join(LEGACY_DIR, 'util.py')), }, 'TEMPLATES_DIR': { 'path': os.path.abspath(TEMPLATES_DIR), 'enabled': True, 'is_valid': os.path.exists(os.path.join(TEMPLATES_DIR, 'static')), }, 'OUTPUT_DIR': { 'path': os.path.abspath(OUTPUT_DIR), 'enabled': True, 'is_valid': os.path.exists(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'index.json')), }, 'SOURCES_DIR': { 'path': os.path.abspath(SOURCES_DIR), 'enabled': True, 'is_valid': os.path.exists(SOURCES_DIR), }, 'LOGS_DIR': { 'path': os.path.abspath(LOGS_DIR), 'enabled': True, 'is_valid': os.path.exists(LOGS_DIR), }, 'ARCHIVE_DIR': { 'path': os.path.abspath(ARCHIVE_DIR), 'enabled': True, 'is_valid': os.path.exists(ARCHIVE_DIR), }, 'CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR': { 'path': CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR and os.path.abspath(CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR), 'enabled': USE_CHROME and CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR, 'is_valid': os.path.exists(os.path.join(CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR, 'Default')) if CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR else False, }, 'COOKIES_FILE': { 'path': COOKIES_FILE and os.path.abspath(COOKIES_FILE), 'enabled': USE_WGET and COOKIES_FILE, 'is_valid': COOKIES_FILE and os.path.exists(COOKIES_FILE), }, } DEPENDENCIES = { 'PYTHON_BINARY': { 'path': PYTHON_BINARY, 'version': PYTHON_VERSION, 'hash': bin_hash(PYTHON_BINARY), 'enabled': True, 'is_valid': bool(DJANGO_VERSION), }, 'DJANGO_BINARY': { 'path': DJANGO_BINARY, 'version': DJANGO_VERSION, 'hash': bin_hash(DJANGO_BINARY), 'enabled': True, 'is_valid': bool(DJANGO_VERSION), }, 'CURL_BINARY': { 'path': CURL_BINARY and shutil.which(CURL_BINARY), 'version': CURL_VERSION, 'hash': bin_hash(PYTHON_BINARY), 'enabled': USE_CURL, 'is_valid': bool(CURL_VERSION), }, 'WGET_BINARY': { 'path': WGET_BINARY and shutil.which(WGET_BINARY), 'version': WGET_VERSION, 'hash': bin_hash(WGET_BINARY), 'enabled': USE_WGET, 'is_valid': bool(WGET_VERSION), }, 'GIT_BINARY': { 'path': GIT_BINARY and shutil.which(GIT_BINARY), 'version': GIT_VERSION, 'hash': bin_hash(GIT_BINARY), 'enabled': FETCH_GIT, 'is_valid': bool(GIT_VERSION), }, 'YOUTUBEDL_BINARY': { 'path': YOUTUBEDL_BINARY and shutil.which(YOUTUBEDL_BINARY), 'version': YOUTUBEDL_VERSION, 'hash': bin_hash(YOUTUBEDL_BINARY), 'enabled': FETCH_MEDIA, 'is_valid': bool(YOUTUBEDL_VERSION), }, 'CHROME_BINARY': { 'path': CHROME_BINARY and shutil.which(CHROME_BINARY), 'version': CHROME_VERSION, 'hash': bin_hash(CHROME_BINARY), 'enabled': USE_CHROME, 'is_valid': bool(CHROME_VERSION), }, } CHROME_OPTIONS = { 'TIMEOUT': TIMEOUT, 'RESOLUTION': RESOLUTION, 'CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY': CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY, 'CHROME_BINARY': CHROME_BINARY, 'CHROME_HEADLESS': CHROME_HEADLESS, 'CHROME_SANDBOX': CHROME_SANDBOX, 'CHROME_USER_AGENT': CHROME_USER_AGENT, 'CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR': CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR, } # PYPPETEER_ARGS = { # 'headless': CHROME_HEADLESS, # 'ignoreHTTPSErrors': not CHECK_SSL_VALIDITY, # # 'executablePath': CHROME_BINARY, # } except KeyboardInterrupt: raise SystemExit(1) except Exception as e: stderr() stderr('{red}[X] Error during configuration: {} {}{reset}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e, **ANSI)) stderr(' Your archive data is unaffected.') stderr(' Check your config or environemnt variables for mistakes and try again.') stderr(' For more info see:') stderr(' https://github.com/pirate/ArchiveBox/wiki/Configuration') stderr() raise def check_dependencies() -> None: if HAS_INVALID_DEPENDENCIES: stderr('{red}[X] Missing some required dependencies.{reset}'.format(**ANSI)) raise SystemExit(1) def check_data_folder() -> None: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'index.json')): stderr('{red}[X] No archive data was found in:{reset} {}'.format(OUTPUT_DIR, **ANSI)) stderr(' Are you running archivebox in the right folder?') stderr(' cd path/to/your/archive/folder') stderr(' archivebox [command]') stderr() stderr(' To create a new archive collection in this folder, run:') stderr(' archivebox init') raise SystemExit(1)